Chapter 19

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Damn I'm tired. Michael had me strength  training along with showing me some new fighting techniques. As I head to my room for a shower I can hear Luke and Whitney arguing.

After cleaning myself up and dressing I sit in my room contemplating whether or not I should go talk to Luke. Decision made I walk out stopping in front on Lukes door. I can hear Whitney still crying. I raise my hand to knock when the door flies open.

Oh hey Remy, did you need something.

Yes, do you have a minute to speak with me.

Sure the doctor and nurse just came in they are checking her out.

I sigh blowing out the deep breath I had been holding in. Look I am really sorry about all this and I understand if you hate me and never want to speak to me again. Please don't let this affect your friendship with Ezra. I would hate to be the cause of a rift between you two. I really tried not to take it that far but you saw her she just would not let up. Then she put her hands on Ezra. I hope you understand that I had to do what I did. She showed a complete and utter disrespect to Ezra, to me and to you. Pretty much challenging his authority by right she should be dead which is what you and I both know that's what Ez was going to do. With that being said I really am sorry. I'll try to stay out of your way from now on. I say and begin to walk off. Only to be stopped and pulled into a hug.

It's not your fault Rameka. It's mine, I do understand why you had to fight her and I'm not mad with you or Ezra. As the head of the family no one especially outsider can or should be able to speak to him like that let alone touch him.
  I should have handled her days ago but I was  feeling guilty about the whole sleeping with Richelle thing. Then y'all two fell out because of it and I just let shit go too far. You did what you were supposed to do. Protect the head, your man. I'm sorry for putting you in that position and I know once Ezra gets back I'm going to pay for it very painfully.

What do you mean, pay for it.

I'm his second in command and infront of everyone I lost control of the situation. I let Whitney disrespect me and him. That is a huge NO NO. So I will have to be dealt with.

No you won't. I will speak to Ezra as soon as he gets back. Everything is going to be ok.

Thanks Remy. For the talk and for restraining yourself. I thought you were going to kill her when she called you that word.

No thanks needed. I'm glad we back in a good place. I say hugging him.

Oohhh how touching. Two love birds making up.

Hello Marco.

Lucas.  Who is this lovely black beauty in your arms. He says as my phone begins to ring.

Wait sweetheart don't rush off he say holding my arm as my phone continues to ring. We haven't been properly introduced. He says as I answer my phone.

Thank god you answered. Remy. It's your mom she's in trouble. Trevors going to kidnap her.

What, how?

We don't have time for that listen up follow my directions. Get Michael and Lucas get in the Tesla its bullet proof. Call your mom find out where she's going and stop her do not let her meet him. Arrange a secure place for her to meet you instead. Get your mother and bring her to the house. Call me with the location she was supposed to meet Trevor at and I'll handle the rest.

Ok Ez.

MICHAEL! I scream.

He comes running from his room.

We have to go.

Why are you running off love. We just officially met. Marco says holding my hand a little to tight for my liking. We should sit. Get to know each other a little better.

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