Chapter 21

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Ezras standing gun cocked in hand ready and  aimed.

I place my hand on his arm stopping him.

Please Ez don't do this. Once its done there's no coming back from it. This isn't some stranger or just one of your men. This is your best friend the man you grew up with a man who would die for you. Don't kill him over a simple mistake a mistake he made because he was feeling guilty.
Please. I beg one more time.

He clears the chamber reholsters his gun.

You owe RaMeka your life. You both do. You and Whitney. Now leave before I change my mind.

As Luke gets up to leave he looks over his shoulder and mouths to me Thank You. Closing the door behind him.

Are you ok now I ask Ezra.

Yes Baby, I am now. He says placing his forehead against mine.

Today huh!

Yeah what a fucking day! He says then pecks my lips.

Elena should have dinner ready by now. What do you think about after dinner, going up to our room watching a movie and cuddling before bed. I ask.

I think that after what we've been through that's the best idea I've heard all day.

Wait, did you just say our room. Who told you that you can move into my room. He says jokingly.

Well since you said I was your girl I figured it would be easier to get intimate if we shared a room but since your only willing to share a bed and not you red room with me. I think I know someone that will.

I say doing a little stank walk to the door.

RaMeka, don't you dare.

Why not I get so lonely in my room in that big ole bed all by myself. I smile biting the tip of my finger then licking it as I take off running yelling Michaels name.

Remy you better not or so help me God, I will punish you.

When I reach the kitchen my target is sitting at the table. Hey baby daddy I say hugging Michael around his neck from the back. As Ezra walks into the room.

He sees Ez and smiles at him. Hey baby momma what you got for me.

Just this little kiss I say and peck him on the cheek.

Oh you can do better than that for Daddy. He says making everyone at the table laugh except Ezra.

Oh Daddy, not in front of company.

Daddy huh. I see you got jokes nah, I told you not to do it but you wanna try me. You are in so much trouble. That ass is mine he says picking me up throwing me over his shoulder.

I yell. Michael, your just gonna let him take me away.

Yep. Repayment for choking me out earlier. He laughs as I'm being taken back up stairs and into Ezras room.

Once behind his bedroom door lock in place. He smacks my ass and drops me on the bed, removes all his clothing he then pulls my shorts and panties off. Rips my shirt revealing my braless breast. Picking me up again he walks us to the shower and turns it on.

He stands under the water and begin to lather up pulling me to him he then begins to wash my body. As the water rinses us clean he smashes his lips to mine in a soft deep kiss that quickly turns rough lifting me by my ass he pick me up and slams me down on his member I scream out in pain and pleasure. He takes me fast and hard.

Now what was all that shit you was just talking. Calling another man daddy. He grunts as he continues to thrust in me. Lifting me up then pushing me back down onto him.

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