Chapter 31

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I'm now standing behind Ezra as I open my jacket sliding the gun out of the holster slipping it into Ezra's waistband underneath his shirt.(one down one to go.)

That's not what happened. I was there to meet with Ezra. He was out. I ran into her in the hallway we spoke briefly. I never mentioned you or her mother.

You're gonna deny flirting with me.

Your a beautiful woman RaMeka. So what if I flirted with you.

So you admit that you flirted with me. Pursued me. Wanted me. Even now after all this you still want me. Gun pointing to your head and you're thinking about fucking me. I say taking a seat next to Michael. I place my purse on the table then slowly I move my hand behind my back placing it under my shirt removing the gun from the second holster. Cautiously giving it to Michael while Marco explains himself.

She's playing you. Trying to turn you against me stop listening to her.  So what if I flirted. I'm Italian that's what we do. Like I said you're a beautiful woman. What man wouldn't want to get to know you. To fuck you. However I did not sleep with you.

Marco, I didn't say anything about sleeping, I. said. fucking! Grimm do you remember the night we snuck to the west wing of the house so noone would hear us having sex.. How I had my legs wrapped around your neck, then you had me pinned against the wall our sweat drenched bodys glistening as you plowed into me while I screamed your name. Oh, Marco. How will we ever have moments like that again. You know there's only one way out.

Your a dead man Marco. Trevor says cocking his gun.

Stop listening to her. She is trying to mess with your head. Hell, I'm not even Grimm. Tell him Ezra.

Tell him what? That you're Grimm. You already made a point in telling everyone that.

Stop it! Stop saying that. I'm not Grimm. I only said that so people would fear me. Turn against you and help me. You were so stuck on not letting anyone know who you really are. I used it to my advantage.

Come on Marco stop with the bullshit. You outed yourself as Grimm. You wanted control of the family, you wanted to be the next King, You betrayed Ezra, You were gonna betray Trevor too, as soon as Ezra signed those papers he was good as dead and Trevor was next you were gonna kill him to because you think he's a dumbass and a liability. I day to Marco.

YES but......

Bang! Trevor pulls the trigger. Dropping Marco.

Ok white boy. There's nothing standing between me and you now. I got twenty million and I'll be taking Remy. He laughs. Turning his gun on Ezra.

Sliding my hand into the purses secret pouch I  stand behind Trevor. In one quick move I dislodge the weapon from its hiding place discarding the bag. With the Desert Eagle place firmly against his head.

Drop'em or your boy here gets dropped next. I tell his guards.

I would listen to the lady if I were you Ezra tells them revealing the gun I handed to him. Followed by Michael displaying the one I gave to him. There are eleven heavily armed men surrounding this building. If she gives the word they will come in shooting. Now you may manage to kill us but they will diffantly kill ALL of you.

A few oblige. Dropping their guns.

How..... we removed your guns when we searched you. I know we did.

See that's where you wrong. There's a few things you don't know. One you made the mistake of not searching me.  Two you should have listened to Marco, I was playing you and three I whispered in his ear, Ezra is the real Grimm.

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