Chapter 47

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Remy what's going on?

I'm sorry Gina, Raphael. I don't think I can marry your brother.

Wait! Remy you promised me we would hang out.

I'm sorry little brother I have to go but if your ever in the states look me up we'll hang out have some fun.

No! Remy your supposed to stay here. Marry Ezra become my sister we were going to be a family. I fucking hate this. Finally I was finally feeling good about myself. About being apart of the family and now its all gone. Raphael cries and punches the wall putting a hole in it. Running off followed by Gina who slaps her oldest brother.

Asshole she says then exits the same direction as Raphael.

I hadn't noticed her before but Maria was standing in the hallway with a sad look on her face along with Sophia.

I'll go after the kids you handle this.

Rae, he whispers. Please put your ring back on. He says taking my hand. I'm so sorry I hurt you. I love you! Please let me make it up to you. You can't leave. Where will you go?

Why do you care?

Because I love you, and because it's dangerous.

The only thing dangerous to me is You. You've already broken my heart. There's nothing else anyone can do to me that will cause me more pain.

Remy baby please stay. He begs

RaMeka. Daughter there has to be away for you two to work it out.

I'm sorry Mad.... Sophia. I just can't.

Ezra! RaMeka! My office now! Vincenzo yells. Sophia come with them. I have a feeling I'm gonna need all the help I can get with this one.

Once behind the office door. Vincenzo starts, what the hell is going on with you two.

Didn't Ezra tell you about Vanna?

Yes, but you handled it. Quite well from what I saw.

Saw? How did you see I confiscated their cellphones.

Not Michaels. You didn't take his.

I'm going to kill him. I says.

Now Remy what are we missing that has you so upset. Vincenzo asks again.

You said Ezra told you what happened. Did he tell you he didn't trust me to handle the situation, did he tell you he didn't have my back in there, did he tell you he was considering her offer. NO! He would leave that out.

Ezra no! You wouldn't you didn't. Why son? Why?

Mother you wouldn't have been able to handle jail. Not even for a minute. I couldn't risk you going in there. Not to mention being able to protect you in there. It would have been hard.

Ezra you are truly an idiot. I am your fathers concern not yours. It is his responsibility to ensure my safety and he has never failed me. So why do you assume he will now.  Your responsibility is RaMeka. You did her a incredibly disservice and I see now she has ever right to be upset.

Son sometimes you have to think with your heart over your head. This was NOT one of those times. The day for you to become head is fast approaching so I need you to get your head out of your ass. Being a beast becoming Grimm is only a part of it. You must be able to think out side of the norm to achieve your goal.
  Did you think you were the only one that got that call. I would've never allowed them to take you mother. She was actually in the tunnels on her way to a safe house where a helicopter was waiting. They can't arrest her if they don't know where she is.
  Although I can admit I wouldn't have thought about doing it that way. I prefer the way Remy handled it. I do have a question. Why did you stay away from her face? I would have made it so she would never look in a mirror again.

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