Chapter 42

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Unable to take Ezra on. He knows he can't handle both Ezra and Joel.

Vanna its late. I think we should go.

You go ahead Matteo the party is just starting. I think I'll hang around a little longer.

Fine suit yourself. He says leaving her behind.

RaMeka, that was hilarious. Here I was thinking tonight would be another boring party. You managed to make my night.

Please Joel call me Remy. I'm looking forward to the next time our paths cross again. Yours and Taylor that is. Excluding her present company. I shake his hand before we leave.

A waiter passes by and I grab two glasses of champagne handing one to Remy as Stephanie comes up.

Ezra, Carlo needs to speak with you. He overheard some men talking about the shooting at the funeral they know too much information not to have been involved. He does not want to leave in case they divulge something important. They are in the hallway by the door to the left.

Rae stay with Stephanie. I'll be back shortly.
I say kissing her briefly before going out.

Remy did you know the whore is here. Stephanie says.

Yes. I saw her earlier, unfortunately. I say as the whore in question and Taylor come strolling my way again.

I see Ezra has finally abandoned you. It's only a matter of time before he is back in my arms.

Are you sure it's Ezra you want because you keep on checking for me. I'm flattered and all but I am not interested.

Ha your really funny. I will have Ezra back.

You keep saying that but I don't see any evidence of that happening. He doesn't pay you any attention when you're around. He doesn't even acknowledge you. Don't you have any shame any dignit? Does his money mean that much to you?

Yes it does. You don't belong on his arm or in his world. He will need pure blooded Italian children to take over after he retirees. Not the mutts you will provide him with.

I was about to finally let her have it. When she is turned around and slapped hard in the face by none other than Madre Sophia.

You vicious tramp. How dare you disgrace my unborn grand babies. You vile and evil woman.
I never thought I would possess such hatred for someone as I do for you. Your disgusting. She cries.

Sophia please allow me to apologize. You must understand. I only do it for your son. Vanna tries to plead her case.

I told you weeks ago that I didn't want to see you ever again an twice tonight you made a piont of crossing my path, after what you just said every time I see you. You will be met with violence. I can assure you of that. I tell Vanna escorting Madre Sophia away from her. Please mother calm down. Where is Vincenzo? I'll get him to take you home. Stephanie please call Carlo tell him and Ezra we need to leave.

Remy he doesn't answer. Shit I pull out my cell an dial Ezra number. No anwer. Steph I don't like this. Will you please stay with Sophia.While I check on Ezra and Carlo.

Sophia, I need to go check on Ezra. He's been gone to long and not answering his phone. I'm leaving Stephanie with you. I'll only be gone a minute. You both stay here don't leave this spot unless I or Vincenzo tell you to understand.

They both nod their heads. With worried facial expressions.

Looking up a nod to Ethan signaling for him to stay and watch over them. As I head off in the direction Ezra went in smiling and nodding to people as I passed. Reaching the side Patio door there is a man guarding it.

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