Absolution (Cassian Andor)

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This is short, this is the first time I'm writing about Cassian, but enjoy reading this!


There was no stopping him. He strode through the rebel base, ignoring everyone left and right, his only goal was to get to his room, where no one could bother him. He had lost three fellow rebels today and it would have been preventable if he only had been cleverer, quicker...

Just as he was about to shout at someone who stared at him, he hesitated. What stopped him was a sound he did not expect to hear on a day like this. A laugh. A short one, maybe just a little more than a giggle. This was your room, he realised. Clearly, you must have heard of what had happened, but he knew that wouldn't stop you from being your light-hearted self, finding something to laugh even in the darkest times.

Cassian took a deep breath and knocked. He should have come here right away. You would be able to soothe him, to shoo away the dark clouds.

As you opened the door, there was still a remnant of your laugh visible, one mouth corner being slightly lifted up, even as you pulled him inside and examined his tense expression.

He buried his head on your shoulder as soon as you had closed the door, finally able to let loose. You wrapped your arms around him and held him as tight as you could. "You returned an hour ago." You whispered. "What took you so long to come to me?"

Refusing to leave your embrace, he took a few deep breaths. "Three of them dead, (Y/n). And I...I..."

"It's not your fault."

He only shook his head as you slightly pushed him away wanting to look at him.

"Look at me..." you tried to lift his chin. "Cass, please." And finally, hearing you call him softly by his nickname, he met your gaze.

"I could have done something." He insisted, pressing his forehead against yours.

"Did you come here to be all miserable, or do you want to talk about what happened?" you stroked his hair.

His blinked once or twice and kissed you instead of giving any answer.

"Cassian." you whispered. "Don't distract me from trying to help you."

"I don't want you to tell me that it's not my fault." He moved to your jawline, peppering it with more kisses. "Just tell me that it happens all the time." You sighed as he started kissing your neck.

"Things like this happen. For now, this is the world we live in." Gently you cupped his face in your hands, bringing him to look at you once again. "And you know, you can come to me for absolution any time."

"Absolution, huh?" he mused, his hands finding their way onto your waist, bringing you closer to him. "Take me to church then." And with that his lips went back to yours.

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