Settling for average (Din Djarin)

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It started as average as any other day. As average as your life, but you didn't mind, or at least that's what you were telling yourself. You dusted your chamber and then went down to open your diner. Guests wouldn't start to come for another one or two hours, but who knows if someone might urgently need something to eat or just a place to sit down for a bit.

You took your time swiping the tables, once again considering buying a droid for support, but quickly disposed of the idea since you liked being in charge.

The soup – your specialty – started to boil on the stove and before you could reduce the heat a bubble burst and splashed right on your hand. Cursing under your breath you pressed a towel on the burn and took care of the food before holding your hand under cold water. It didn't help much, but it was the best you could do for the moment since to your surprise you had a guest entering.

"I'll be with you in a minute." You promised and quickly cleaned up behind the counter before rushing to serve your customer.

"Take your time." But you were already with him, guiding him to a table. You stopped right in your tracks of asking him what he wanted as you realized what or who you had in front of you. Shiny armour, silver and black, a weird little helmet and placed on a chair next to him. Narrowing your eyes you tilted your head. "It's you, isn't it?" The Mandalorian armour was foreign to you, but you just knew. You should have realized when he first spoke.

He turned his head to you. "Hi."

The audacity. The audacity. "Don't you hi me. What do you want?"

"Something to eat for the little one."

With a quick nod you went for the bowls while Mando's voice echoed through your place.

"He's a foundling, just so you know."

"Why should I care?"

He smirked under his helmet. "The thought I got somebody else knocked up seemed to bother you."

You scuffed. "The only thing bothering me is you showing up here."

"You were waiting."

Unfortunately putting soup into a bowl didn't take long, so you had to go back to the table and face him. "Don't know why I should have done that."

"Because you missed me."

It was hard not to tell him to go and f- himself, but you managed. "I cannot deal with this, Mando. How long until you leave this time?" Absentmindedly you scratched your injured hand and watched the little being slurp its soup. Hesitantly Mando took your hand in his.

"You're hurt."

"Don't try to diverge." You frowned at him. "I told you not to come back again if all you'd do is leave once you feel like it."

"And yet, here I am. So, what does that tell you?"

You stood from the chair and tried to think of something to do. "That I should throw you out."

He sighed and watched you walk behind your counter. You knew he took you seriously. Most likely he had a good reason for coming here. And you didn't want to be so harsh, but you didn't see any other possibility to keep you from getting attached again. Three times he had come and three times he had left. As if he didn't care.

"I know you don't open this early."

The first time he came, you had only let him in because he was so exhausted, he could barely stand. His armour had been different back then, a bit rusty and in desperate need for some cleaning. He continued talking while you dusted your perfectly tidy kitchen. "Don't tell me you left that door open for anybody else."

You turned to clean the wall, but he caught a glimpse of your cheeks turning red. With a glance to the child who was contently cooing to his bowl he followed you.

"Having the little one with me, made me realise that I don't have to be a lone wolf."

You had given him that nickname, the second time he was with you. His stories rarely included others, or at least always different people. Nonetheless, you would listen to him for hours, re-living his adventures with him, learning about other planets.

"Yeah, he's a cute little companion."

"Temporarily." Slowly he dared to walk up behind you. "Come with me."

You turned around, only to face the shining plates on his chest.

He didn't give you time to tell him he was crazy. "Is this diner really what you want?"

"It's nice here." You looked up at him and even though you couldn't see through his helmet you knew, he regarded you with a sceptical expression.

"Sure, the thought of serving the same customers every day, who tell you the same stories over and over again, is fulfilling you. Burning your hand on the same soup every once in a while, to spice things up. Leaving a door open hours before you start working, waiting for something to happen."

It didn't. How could it?

He put his hands on your shoulders, waiting.

You swallowed thickly. "How...can I..."

"I have the task to return the little one to his kind. Come with me. If you come with us, you won't ever have to see me leave here again."

Could it really be that easy? Hesitantly you wrapped your arms around his torso. "Okay."


"Yeah." Your heart was beating incredibly fast. "I'm coming with you."

Star Wars ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora