Calling names (Din Djarin)

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Din...Diiin. A soft voice called him. Din, my dear. Time to wake up, Din. He smiled and rolled over, just to realise there was nobody beside him to cuddle.

"Hey, peanut head!" The softness had disappeared. "There's no sleeping in when on a mission." Startled he pushed himself up, slowly separating dream from reality. "Good morning." He mumbled, upset that you had pulled him from his dreams.

You shrugged and made your way to the pilot cabin. "Morning, sleepy head. Hope I didn't disturb some nice dreamin'."

How could you, since you are the one, I always dream about? Of course, he didn't say that. "Would you mind calling me by my name for once?"

Helping the child on its seat you shot him a look while grinning widely. "But where would be the fun in that?"

Strange noises outside the ship spared him from giving an answer. Sighing you volunteered to check on that and hesitantly peeked out the side door. Having a loaded blaster in your hand was the only thing that saved you from the pirate having spotted you instantly upon stepping outside.

Your fingers reacted before you could think about it and a shot went right into his chest. A second later you grabbed the batteries he tried to steal from his hands. "Those are mine, you stupid pirate." You took it personally, since it had been you who had found the batteries two weeks earlier on a shelf. Of a shopkeeper. When he was busy with another customer. But he had just overcharged you on some essentials, so you felt like he deserved it. You gave the pirate a kick and turned back to the ship.

Just to find yourself face to face with his friends. And they took it very personally that you had just killed their companion. Taking out one pirate was easy, but eight of them was on a whole different level. They were everywhere and you gritted your teeth before calling out for help. Mando would probably never stop bragging about saving you. Nonetheless, all you felt was relief when only seconds later he stormed in your direction, causing the pirates to focus on him instead. Or most of them... One slipped your attention and the consequences hit you promptly. Literally hit you, because you were shot in the arm, causing you to let your blaster fall and scream.

It was a mess, but Din was fine. The two of you made a good team, so he wasn't worried about the outcome of the situation at all. One pirate down, another hit in the head, the next one – "Din!" the agony in your voice made his heart skip a beat. He rushed to your side, punishing the one who shot you with a well-aimed blaster shot to the throat. You groaned loudly, partly from pain, partly from the frustration of having become useless. Half a minute later you were surrounded by dead or heavily wounded bodies and a concerned Mandalorian next to you.

You tried to sit up but groaned again when realising you had tried to lean on your useless arm. Din examined the injury rather quickly to avoid staying outside longer than necessary. "You said my name."

"Someone's got his priorities straight." You mused, not really angry at him. "Thanks for helping."

"Of course.", he shrugged it off. "Let's get back inside before more of those turn up."

Slowly you raised, clenching your jaw as dizziness washed over you.

You grabbed Din's left arm for steadiness. "Would you like me to carry you?" He reacted immediately.

"Hah. You would like that, worry head."

The day you would find out just how much he would like that, wasn't this day. Leaning heavily on to him the two of you made your way back inside, ready to finally take off. As you were floating among the stars you pulled him from his thoughts. "Hey" you said quietly and smiled as he turned his head to you. "Thank you, Din."

You couldn't see it, but he was smiling right back at you, as content as one could be.

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