A Letter to the Little Girl in Me

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Dear Sarah,

I'm sorry I did not kiss that boy.
I know you loved him
I tried to protect you from his
vicious ploy.
Even though you still miss him.

I'm sorry I could not protect you
when people abused you
used you
tore you apart.

I'm sorry it took so long for me to mend
your broken heart.

My love, please forgive me.
believe that I tried my best.
youth is so cruel,
please heed the life ahead
of you

No, your youth was not
like those in film.
Perfect fathers
boys who would kill
to love you.

But my dear,
even if those stupid boys can't see.
the gold in your eyes.
the silly way you grit your teeth.
your powerful

love, please see
while the life you longed for
was not meant to be.
You were created for a life
beyond what you can see

So live now.

I'm sorry I could not fulfill your dreams,
but you can dream now.
rest, and find peace now.

this is a new beginning.

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