my own love letter

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Dear Sarah,

I love you
I love the gold that shines in your eyes
when you let the sun in
I love your wild
wondrous mind
through your voice.

soft as a song
your voice.
your laugh
not quite a song
but it is a moment when
you finally
let every part of yourself

& that smile that shows

that smile
is a painting

you are artwork
sculpted from clay
uniquely made
by God's adoring hands.

your honest eyes
your clumsy walk
your courageous mind
poet of Stevie's heart
your collection of extra large
the way you really listen when people talk.
when they share their secrets
with you
you're never the one to walk

And I've not forgotten
your dirty
paint &
ink stained
hands that have
created wondrous things--
from nothing too.

Like God did you.

my love, you should know best
the love between an artist and
what they've created.

so just as you give your love away to
this extraordinary world.
don't forget to love that extraordinary girl
within you
love yourself as you deserve to,
until there will be no question
about who deserves you.
whether your dreams should come true.

this story was written
for you.

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