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Hi you should know me, it's me.

I'm not rude.
I'm not full of myself.
It's a fact.
If you are reading this, you know me.

If you don't know me and clicked on this for some idiotic reason you (idiot) let me introduce myself.

Hello, I'm Huang Renjun. I'm 25 years old actor who has been named the sexiest man alive for 5 years straight.

***Fun Fact***
This does not make me full of myself.
But it also doesn't mean I don't think it's true.

"Do you want anything before we arrive at the film meeting?"

The man in front of me is my manger.
Doyoung is his name, he is the sweetest person you might ever meet (sassy but still nice).

"Can you stop by the grocery store? I want coffee."


Shortly after we were at the grocery store, Doyoung is a good driver. I got out of the car trying not to look to suspicious, no one can see me.

I was just trying to get my coffee before I saw a magazine that caught my attention.

Huang Renjun sexy champion beat for the spot by Liu Yangyang?!

No, not happening. Me a 20 year veteran actor, beat by an amateur! Was it for a title that is completely based on people's shallow opinions that depends on how they rate someone's looks? Yes, but that was not the important part here.

***Side note***
I've worked with Liu Yangyang before- he was the second lead, and I can't stand the guy's guts.
He is too overly bubbly and nice for this industry.

Now, I was in a conference room with the "sexist man alive" (p.s I don't think he is that attractive, better looking than average? Yes, but the fact he beat me is offensive.)

"Thank you all for this opportunity, in my three years of acting this will be my first lead role. I will try to make you all proud."

Oh fuck you Liu Yangyang. That angel act may fool everyone else, but it'll never fool me!

***Clearing a misunderstanding***
I don't hate Liu Yangyang.
I just strongly dislike him (It's not jealousy shut up.)

"Renjun, anything you would like to say?"

Was it the lord who caused me right now? No.
It was my manager who despite being sweet, hated me apparently. Putting on my best fake smile I stood up.

"I look forward to working with you all, may this be an amazing filming experience."

"I can't wait to learn from you Renjun, I hope to grow more working alongside you. I especially want to learn how to keep my reputation as the sexist man alive."

***A better book***
I am telling you this story, however Mr. Full of himself (otherwise known as Yangyang) would write a good book too. How to Piss Huang Renjun Off in One Sentence or Less.

I just faked a laugh and sat back down

***A threat***
Liu Yangyang can joke all he wants,
Because once the cameras are rolling he will be left in my shadow. Even as the second lead I will shine brighter. Welcome to Hollywood.

The meeting being over I started walking away faster, get he still caught up to me.

"Renjun, we will be playing the main two male characters. So why not get to know each other?"

Under other conditions I wouldn't be caught dead willingly hanging out with him, however everyone was watching and I need to keep my image. Pushing aside my desire to say no and rudely walk away, I said yes and smiled.

***Biggest or maybe best mistake I Huang Renjun have ever made***
You see I may have gotten a little too drunk, and I say a lot of things when drunk. Things that shouldn't be said.

I woke up randomly in an unknown place, fucking fun. I look to my right to see Yangyang sitting on a chair next to the bed.

"Well that was fun."

I glared at him, he was a little too happy.

"Tell me what happened."

"Nothing much, you got drunk, yelled at me, then passed out. I didn't know your managers number not your address, so being the gentleman I am brought you to my apartment."

Yangyang's pulled out his phone and awe and behold, was a video of me yelling at him drunk. Great just great.

***Little lesson I learned***
Liu Yangyang isn't as empty headed as people may be led to believe. In fact he was actually very smart, smart enough to blackmail me that is.

I reached out my hand to yank the phone from his grip., yet he had fast reflexes and moved too quickly, Spider-Man bitch.

"Okay, what do you want? I'll do whatever it is and you delete the video. Is it money?

"A kiss."

Ha, ha, hahahahahaha. The guy is a psychopath. A pathological liar maybe? Some pervert with a sick twisted sense of humor?

***Things I will come to learn***
1. Liu Yangyang isn't a pervert (to anyone but me so I've heard.)
2. He is crazy, in a good yet still scary way.

"Good one. Now what do you really want?"

"A kiss. I'm not playing a game here."

"Are you drunk, what is my name?"

"I'm not drunk, and your name is Huang Renjun. Do you know why I started acting?"

"Because you always had a passion for it?"

"No, because of you. I acted in hopes of meeting you one day. Huang Renjun I'm in love with you."


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