The Project

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A/N: Okay, so, first off, glitch on FFN. Dunno what happened, but i apologize.

Second, and most important, is why I haven't been uploading recently. I've been focusing on school and getting a grade back up. Finals are around the corner, so that's on my radar, and I haven't been working on this as much as I want to. So, with that being said, I'll try to get two chapters up for you next week, not counting this one. Maybe a third one, but it might be a filler.

Anyway, let's get back to the Chapter. You all have been waiting for this for a while now.

Momo had fought against National level threats. She was the host of a god. She survived the war against the Monarch's armies, which would even be considered Divine. She survived the mass extinction that Antares planned out. She had even died, and was only breathing because of Izuku. She watched him fade into nothing, his left over power being carried into the Gap. And yet, she was not prepared for Bellion nearly in tears when Momo had told him about the Quest.

Bellion was not one to lose composure so easily. Even though his body posture was the same as always, she could hear all of the emotions he had in his tone.

"M-My Liege lives?"

A simple question, yet holding a remarkable amount of power. If he lives, Shadows would be immortal. More forces could be added to the Shadow Army, and more Shadows would Rank-Up. The more Shadows to Rank-Up, the stronger the Army is.

"Yes. According to the System, he's alive... and apparently beyond that Gate."

Bellion looked apprehensively at the Gate, wondering who was powerful enough to revive someone long gone.

"Mania could not have done this. She used every last drop of power gained from My Liege, the Rulers' and the Monarchs' Essence. Maybe another Ten Primordial has awoken?"

Bellion cast that thought aside, and instead focused his attention to the swirling Gate.

"My Lady, my Liege is in there? Why is he in there, and how?"

Momo looked at Bellion, a pensive expression on her face. "The System either knows and won't tell me, or it doesn't know, and this Quest is to get him out of there. It is strange, though. Why would the System think that I am a person worthy of.. It?"

"I detest you saying self-deprecating things, My Lady. It does not suit someone of your caliber."

"Thanks, Bellion, but I lost the power of Correnic in that... war years ago."

Bellion kneeled, hand held over his chest. "That does not matter, madam. You are someone My Liege saw worthy of his love. Therefore, you are a high caliber woman, and we will treat you with the utmost importance."

Momo just chuckled, shaking her head slightly. "I hope that applies to the other people in his family."

"Of course, My Lady. You all are people the Liege loves and cares for. In the Shadows eyes, you all are royalty. Forgive me for saying this, but those are technicalities. I am not certain if you are descendants of royalty. Again, please forgive me."

"It's fine, Bellion." Momo smiled, looking back at the Gate, apprehensively. "I just hope he has some memories of us..."

"I am sure he does. But, let us not linger, My Lady. We are approaching the time to enter the Gate."

"You're right, we need to get ready. What's behind that Gate?"

"Only time will tell." Bellion turns to Momo. "Excuse me, My Lady. I must rally the forces."

Shadow Monarch Deku: Primordial of the VoidWhere stories live. Discover now