Demons and Discussion

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A/N: So, I'm back, alive, and somewhat okay. 'Another year of school is coming' soon, and virtual/distance learning is no longer a thing. -sigh-

Anyway, yeah.... Reading light novels has been fun, but I guess I can no longer do that...

Uh... let's... do a poll. If you want a one-shot kinda thing like the SCP thing that Project (AKA Sovereign) did in Shadow Hero, say... I dunno, "OS_Hype '' or something.

So yeah, one chapter in... a month? Maybe more? I'm sorry, guys, my sense of time is warped right now. Shits hitting the fan, and I can barely keep up with the will to function.

Anyway, nothing to worry about, just a passing thing. Happens all the time.

New chapter hype, let's go.

Oh, short P.S, kinda gorey chapter once again.

Izuku had no idea what was happening, only registering the sounds of battle and civilian screams all around him. From what he knew, something or other was attacking the city he was in, which was, strangely, in the Gate.

A dark form flew by, crashing into a man, sending him tumbling into the ground. Said form had the shape of a child with huge bat-like wings connected to its arms. Tiny horns grew out of its head, angled backwards, sticking out of dark purple hair. When the Izuku looked at it, the name above its head said Death Demon, glowing a bright white.

[New Creature Identified.]

Name: Death Demon

Attribute: Dark/Death

Vitality: 10

Mana: 0/100

[Description: Darkness demons are creatures summoned from the vast pits of Tartarus by another demon. They can also be summoned via [Demon Summoning Ritual] or by opening a [Hell's Gate]. By eating any living thing, whether it be plant, animal, beastkin, dragonkin, etc, they gain mana at a higher rate. Eating humans, however, seems to fully replenish their mana, causing them to target settlements, towns, or in some cases, cities. Their eyes, which glow a bright, blood red, allow for the Demon to use magic, which in turn can be used by humans when bound to a weapon or staff.]

The Demon in question sat on the man, eating bloody chunks of human flesh. It would have been a horrifying sight, if not for Izuku being used to this type of scene. Though, he was still disgusted.

As the Demon ate chunk after chunk, replenishing its depleted mana pool, ticking up two at a time. It screeched as it finished replenishment, and bared its fangs towards the sky. Two beady red eyes turned towards Izuku, finally registering the onlookers, or lack thereof. Once more, it screeched, all teeth bared at Izuku, trying to intimidate said person. But nothing happened.

Izuku stood there, staring at the Demon, while it stared back. Neither moved, and neither spoke or screeched.

Suddenly, a white, yellow tinged magic circle appeared in front of its face, surprising the Demon. It blasted the Demon in the face, knocking it off of the half-eaten corpse, and sliding it across the ground.

Before Izuku had reacted, he sensed something speeding towards him, and felt hostility towards the Demon. A thin, fit form shot past him, skewering the Demon with a spear, the blade glowing a light green, humming slightly. The Demon thrashed around, leaving scratches on the newcomer's skin, while bleeding out.

Punching it, spurts of blood shot out from the scratches on the Demon, spraying the spear-man with blood. Grunts of effort and screams of anger could be heard from both fighters, while Izuku just stood there, watching and killing Demons who flew too close.

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