Prologue: Rewrite Start

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PROLOGUE: The Musings of Life and Death

Never, in the billions of years he had existed, would he think his demise would come.

For his entire existence, he was omnipotent. He was all-powerful, unending, and immortal. His power exceeded anything and everything logical, being able to create matter from just a thought. His entire being was the pinnacle of power and mind, able to control everything and anything, sentient or not. Except those who were created from his soul.

When he made the Primordials, the true Primordials, he made them with the purpose of helping him control the growth and decay of the universe he created, as well as any life within it. He made them with the thought of having more time to make more things in his mind. He wanted other beings like him that he could rule over and help him maintain the universal balance. The problem, however, was that he could not create sentient life from scratch without giving a piece of his soul.

So, after a long, internal debate about the pros and cons, he decided to make ten beings. They were all to help the Absolute Being maintain the power balance between each galaxy, with each being in charge of one element needed for life and the balance of the universe as a whole. For millions of years, he was content, happy to help those who needed it. But with time, everything becomes stale, or rots away. Just like emotions.

As more and more eons blink by, the Absolute Being realized that nothing he did brought him joy anymore. Everything he felt once before had faded away, leaving him feeling like an empty shell, forgotten and discarded. Holed up in his palace in the Void, he left his followers to themselves, causing massive, intergalactic wars. His followers had started to believe that they had been left behind. All the monuments that were erected in his honor were torn down, and temples fell into disrepair. He almost faded, once. His once vibrant, loving self, now just a husk of sadness, depression, and longing.

Everything just seemed too boring, and nothing helped. He felt the longing for someone to be by his side, and the need for something to satiate his endless hunger for entertainment. So he did the thing he had sworn to never do. He made more beings.

The first set was made to destroy the universe. He called them the Monarchs, ruling over the powers of destruction and a smaller subsection of death. However, the power that they held was too much, slightly annoying him. So he did what he thought was the most sensible thing: make more.

He named them the Rulers. They were made to embody the side of perfection, unwavering, and loyalty. The Rulers were supposed to be able to handle the Monarchs, and balance out the life ratios. They also were supposed to have the goal of wiping out mortality, making everything immortal, just like him.

He was happy, for once. It wasn't just a simple drop of happiness every once in a while, no. It was a constant wave of joy when he saw the wins and losses each faction experienced. Even when more factions joined in, and each team had a person switch sides, he was happy. He saw the joys of battle and became even more happy when those he made went against him. Because, for once, he became the one fighting for something.

Sure, he was angry, but it wasn't about being revolted against, though that is what he said. It was about him being the one unable to experience the thrills of wagering his life. He wouldn't be able to feel the fear of losing his life. He wouldn't be able to be happy that his boring, unfulfilling life was gone.

Until the Primordials came.

When they drew away enough power, he was even happier. He was thrilled. He felt the adrenaline coursing through his body as he fought to keep his life, his being, and his power. He felt the anger and pain of being injured more than he thought he would. He felt the grief as he had to change his one true friend into a being of darkness, the very thing he was made to destroy. He felt true feelings after millions and millions of years. He felt... gratitude.

His final words, ones that no one heard, were, "Thank you." Two words that would have changed the perception of the Rulers once again, lest they heard it.

However, this was not the true end of him. His true end was when the universe didn't need him anymore. And until they could prove it, he would keep coming back.

Because, Death is not the End.

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