chapter 20

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Today i'm going to Millie's house for the role.
DING! it was a bell on her door
"coming!" she yelled probably from her room
"y/n, finally!" She while dragging me in the house.
"hello to you too!"
"wanna have coffe?"
"no, Millie let's talk about the role" I said
"yes, omg the role!" She said, its like she forgot about the role.
"Millie, did you forget about the role?" I asked her. Is she high?
"what? NO!"
"okay,then tell me about the role"
"so, if you get the role u will playing Will' lover or girlfriend named Stacy. And the auditions are in 5days. I got u the sricpt, just learn this, not all some parts and then in 5days come to my home and we are going to Auditions" She said.
"okay, piece of cake!" i said
"well not exactly, there are gonna be much more people trying to get a role and if you really want it you gotta be very good"
"i know Millie! Lets go practice some of the script"
*time skipped*
We were practicing some of the script.
"y/n, can i ask you something?" she asked.
"yes Millie"
"do you like Louis? I mean do you love him?" Millie asked me.
"yes i love him, but as a friend!" THAT WAS A BIG LIE!
"oh! Well, you know Noah schapp?" She asked me
"ofc, i heard of him!"
"well, he kinda wants to meet you and he is kinda intresing in you!" She said so happy.
"what? How?"
" he saw you on my ig posts and i said to him that you are audicing for his girlfriend! He never had a girlfriend and he never liked someone so you are lucky"
"oooo! I mean i will meet him if i get the role, right?"
"you can meet him sooner!"
"shit Millie i need to go"
I went home.DING!
L: 👋🏻👋🏻
Y/n: 👋🏻👋🏻
L: 😽
Y/n: 🙄
Y/n: 😃
Y/n: 😂😂😂
Y/n: whats wrong with you?
L: so, what are you doing?
Y/n: just came home from Millie's house
L: oh great! She said anything about the role?
Y/n: yes, i'm playing Will's Girlfriend Stacy in St4!
L: go gurl!!
Y/n: Auditions are in 5 days!! and quees what?
w: what?
y/n: Noah schapp wants to meet me!!
W: i started to hang out with Lulu again
Y/n: why?
W: bacuse it was you fault!
Y/n: WHAT? IT WS NOT! you know that.
W: i have to be friends with her
Y/n: why?
W: bacuse! And we are not friends any more!
Wtf? What just happened? She hates Lulu, right?
*the next morning*
"heey!" Millie said through the phone
"Louis wanted me to ask you do you wanna come to our place today?" She asked
"of course!"
"okay come here at 4pm"

I went to Louis's house and KNOCK!
"y/n, finnaly!" Millie said while hugging me
"i missed you millie"
"missee you more! Go to Louis's room, he is there probably playing video games" she said.
I went to his room and-
"Louis!" I yelled. As i opened his door he taked my hand and hugged me.
"y/n, i missed you!" He said while hugging me.
I didn't say anything i just huged me him more
"okay Louis, let go" I said
"let's wacth a movie!" He said
"aren't we supposed to celebrate?" i asked
"well, at first i wanted that but not anymore, when you get an audition then we are celebrating, now wacth a movie"
He said
"what are we wacthing?"
"matrix" he said
I hate that movie.
After 10mins i fell asleep on his bed and he was next to me wacthing matrix.
*after 30mins*
"LOUIS!!" Millie yelled from downstairs.
He texted her.
L: y/n fell asleep, we are wacthing a movie, don't yell!
M: ooo! Wanna bake something?
L: i just told you, y/n fell asleep!
M: wake her up!
L: what? NO!
m: come on! im bored!
L: you have your own friends
M: i do, but i wanna hang with y/n.
L: not today
M: u bicth!
Millie has her own friends.
Y/n looks so peaceful when she is sleeping.
After some minutes i fell asleep too.
DING! my phone is ringing. Shit. I hope i didn't wake her up. I tried to turn off my phone but am, y/n' s phone was ringing. She is already awake. Shit.
"heey" I said.
"heey" Louis said.
"heey" i said.
"you won't answer that?" he asked
"its my dad, nothing big"
"but its your dad, you should call him back!" Louis Said
"no" Shit.
"because he did something he didn't say sorry" I can't tell Louis about my parents
"maybe he wants to say sorry now?" He said.
"no Louis! He didn't say sorry for 2 years, and now he wants to say sorry? Not gonna fall for that" I said. If Louis ask whats wrong i won't tell him
"two years?Y/n what happened?" Louis asked me, u knowed he is going to ask.
"what did he do y/n?" He asked.
"i'm going home"
"no, y/n wait!" he said while i was already at his front door.
I opened the door and went home.

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