chapter 38

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my alarm shit.
I got up, washed my teeth, got dressed and went outside. Louis was already there.
"morning" he said as i was going in the car.
"morning" i said back.
"what classes you have today?" he asked me.
"biology,math, English and PE. You?"i said
"same,what time?"
"biology first, then math, then PE then English" i said.
"then we are whole day together" he said
"yeah haha" i said.

We came to the school.
First class with Louis.
Next to me was sitting Jessica, Louis was on the other side of the classroom.
The teacher was saying something I wasn't even paying attention.
"y/n, here" this one girl said whispering. She was giving a note.
I opened it and i said: * you look pretty today, i like your outfit!<3*
At the bottom of a paper it said: *LP*
I turned around to see who it was and when i turned Louis was looking at me. I looked at him and he smiled.
"okay class is over!" teacher said.
I sprinted out off class.
"hey, wait up!" Louis said. He was running to me.
I was already in a next classroom.
He sat next to me.
"may i sat next to you?" he asked.
"yes" i said avoiding the eye contact.

Now it was math.
I always pay attention in math.
"Louis, can you solve this task?" teacher asked him. He wasn't listening to her.
"I'll try" he said.
He got up and went to the board.
Task was really hard.
He was trying to solve it but he couldn't.
"y/n, please come here and help Louis" teacher said.
I got up and went to the board.
"can i solve the whole task?" i asked her.
"yes" she said.
I solved the whole task in a second.
"you need to tuthor me" Louis whispered to me.
I blushed.
"good job y/n! And Louis next time pay attention" teacher said to him.
"i will" he said.

For the rest of the class we have been learning something new then it was luch.
I was with Jessica. She sat at the popular table. I was sitting next to Louis on one side and Jessica on other side.
"so, Louis, you found a girlfriend yeet?" his friend asked him.
"no, you?" Louis said. After he said he putted his hand around my shoulders.
"yeah i see how you don't have girlfriend" that friend said.
Louis just laughed.
For the rest of the lunch we talked alot.
It was PE, ugh.
"today my class, you can do whatever you want!" teacher said.
Everyone agreed.
I know how to play football and alot of girls are playing it well.
We started.
"haha you won't" william said to me as i was trying to steal his ball.
I was pushing him and i did.
"She really did it!" Louis said to william.
"GOAAAAL!!" mia(one girl from class) yelled. I SCORED A GOAL!!
2:1 We are winning.

"stop it!" i said to Louis. He was trying to steal my ball by steeping on my foot.
"thats against the rules!" i yelled at him.
"ops!" he said. He stoled my ball.
"Jessica wacth out!" Mia yelled. John was running so fast that he didn't saw jessica infornt him.
She was on the floor, and so did John.
He bumped on her.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" she yelled at John as she got up.
"I didn't see you! I'm sorry!" John said.
"run slower next time!" she said to him. She was pissed off.
She walked away to the bench.
"okay guys, let's take a rest!" teacher said to us.
I went to the bench and sat next to Jessica.
"what an asshole" she said to me.
"yeah" i said.
Then Louis came up to me.
"you were playing very good Shortie" Louis said to me.
I smiled.
"he likes you" Jessica whispered to me.
"shut up" i said back.
"lets play something, that isn't football" Lulu said to us all.
"and Lulu what is that?" I asked her.
"i do not know y/n" she said.
"we can play volleyball!" Julia said.
"sure!" everyone agreed.
"boys against girls?" i asked.
They all noded.
Jessica is training volleyball and i did to, so did Julia and Mia( girl from class).
I think we are going to win. Boys won the football match.
"serve" Lulu said to Julia.
She hited the ball so hard that it went on Louis was face. He couldn't catch it. Right on his face. When the ball hited him he well on a floor.
"oh shit-" Julia said.
"Louis, are you okay??" Lulu was going towards him. I mean we were all worried but she was acting like a they are sti together. Nevermind.
We all went to look is he okay.
"should we call a nurse?" Mia asked him.
He moved his head like answer no.
"i'm so sorry Louis, i didn't mean it" Julia said to him. He showed her a thumb up. Eventually he got up from a floor. Teacher didn't even saw what happend. He was on a laptop.
"omg you are bleeding!" i said to Louis. His nose was bleeding.
"i'll go get the tissues" Lucas said( boy from class)
He went to get tissues. Then teacher saw him going with a tissue back.
"what happened?" teacher asked us.
"we were playing volleyball and someone hitted ball so hard and it fell on Louis face" we all said. We didn't want to blame Julia, i mean she hitted the ball but it was an accident so we covered her up.
"Louis go to the nurse office, do you wanna some to come with you?" teacher asked him. He pointed at me.
"everyone play something but carefully!" teacher said to the rest.
"let's go" i said to Louis.
He couldn't speak how much it hurted him.
We came to the nurse office.
"hello?" she said.
"hello, i'm y/n y/l/n and this is Louis partridge" i said.
"okay, what happened?" she asked.
"we were at a PE and a ball hited him very hard on his face, he can't speak and his nose was bleeding. Teacher said we need to come here" i said.
"okay. Louis sweetie sit here" she said.
He sat at the chair, I was standing looking what she was doing to his face.
"does this hurts?" she asked him.
He noded.
"i'll get you some ice and this creme" she said.
She went to get the ice.
"i'll give you this creme for home, you need to put it every day on that bruise on your forehead" she said to him.
He had a big bruise on his forehead.
"and put some ice on your nose, it helps" she gave him a pack of ice.
"what about his voice?" i asked.
"Tomorrow he is going to speak again or probably tonight cause its not that bad" she said.
"you may go back to your class" she said.
We went back to the class, PE.
"is everything okay? what did the nurse said?" teacher asked me.
"she said he needs to put this creme on a forehead everyday and the ice is for nose and his voice is back tonight" i said.
"thats good" he said.
"does it hurts you now more?" he asked Louis.
Louis noded *no*.
"y/n, you can go play with others" teacher said.
"can i stay at the bench with Louis?" i asked.
"yes,you can go change cause you are not going to play" he said. I went to change.
Everyone else was playing football. No more volleyball.
I was sitting next to Louis at the bench.
"now you will look bad ass, like a gangster with that bruise" i said sarcastically to Louis so i can cheer him up a little bit.
He smiled.
Then he leaned his head on my shoulder.
"its okay" i said.
Louis holded my hand then.
His head on my shoulder and his hands in my hands.
Lulu saw that. She called Julia to say something to her. They were both looking at us.

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