chapter 36

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Next morning i woke up, did everything.
I changed into this:

I changed into this:

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Louis picked me up. I was barely speaking to him in the car.
My first class was Math. Great.
There was me, john, julia, Lulu and jessica and some others.
Jessica sat next to me, we were speaking all the time.
Next was history.
Louis was there.
"wanna have lunch?" jessica whispered
"sure" i said back
i got this one paper.
I opened it and it said: *hahahaha where is your noah now??*
I KNOWS who it was, julia, 100%
I throwed it away
it was bell.
I went with Jessica to have lunch. We took our lunches.
"jess! come here!" jake yelled
Jessica and I came to their table. There was Louis too and Lulu, and Julia and emily and John. Everyone popular.
I was sitting next to Jessica and Louis sat next to me.
We were talking and i was quit, Louis putted his hand around me.
Lulu and Julia something whispered.
"Louis, is she your girlfriend now?" Lulu asked
Louis blushed
"What? no no!" he said
"okay okay, if you say so" Lulu said. She gave a dirty look.
After lunch it was boring. My school ended at 1:30pm.
I was walking home.
"LOSER!" someone yelled from a car that passed me.
I was starting to cry but i kepped tears before i came home.
*time passed*
I came home. First thing i did was got jn my room and i cried but not for so long
L: hey!
Y/n: what?
L: how are you?
Y/n: why do you care?
L: i'm just asking. You okay?
Y/n: i'm great! wbu?
L: ohh, i'm good!
L: wanna-
I blocked him.
Everytime I see him or he texts me my eyes would be full of tears.
He wasn't my boyfriend but it hurts what Noah said. I miss Noah but he hurted me.
Louis is my best friend.

*days were passing by* its been moth since i blocked Louis.
P: Good afternoon y/n! We wanted to inform you that the filming is starting soon! After Christmas we are back at set! See you soon!
Well good.
There are still 2 more moths till Christmas.
M: you free today?
Y/n: yeah
M:come to my place
Y/n: when?
M: now!
Y/n: coming

Its 4:40pm and its Saturday.
I dressed in something and went to Millie's house
"COME IN!" she yelled
I came in.
Shit. Memories. We broke up here.
"y/n!" she said while she hugged me
"millay!" i said as i hugged her back.
"what should we do?" i asked her
"lets bake!" she said
"SURE!" i said
"just excuse me, I'm going to bathroom" she said

I went to the bathroom.
"pick up, pick up!" i said
"hey" Louis said
"come to my house right now" i said to him
"our plan asshole! y/n is here" i said
"okay coming" he said
Our plan is that y/n and Louis start to hang out again. Well we want to y/n not to be mad at him.
He came after 10mins
"i'll open" millie said
We are baking pancakes
"Louis!" Millie said
"hi y/n" Louis said to me. He just waved he didn't hugged me.
"what are you baking?" he asked me
"Louis, bake with us and after we made pancakes we are going to watch a movie" millie said.
"great" he said
I was baking pancakes. Millie and Louis were talking all the time.
After i made pancakes we went on the couch.
"put a movie on" i said to Millie
"no" she said
"we need to talk with you" Louis said
"what why?"  i said
"so, you blocked Louis and you are ignoring him and you are not going anywhere, why?" millie asked
"not gonna tell" i said
"why?" she asked
"because" i said
"is it because of Noah?" Louis asked
"yes" i said.
"then tell us" millie said
"okay! The day when the fight was when we broke up, noah said: Go! Go cry in Louis's arms he is all yours now!, and since that i can't look at Louis" i said
"because of that?" Millie asked
Louis was looking at me.
"I don't know" i said.
Louis was still looking.
"why are you looking?" millie asked him
He didn't say anything.
"are you okay now?" Millie asked me
"yes i'm good, i don't think about Noah anymore but Julia, she is teasing me about him" i said
"Wtf" millie said
"excatly!" i said
"they broke up" louis said
"what?" i asked
"Noah and julia broke up" he said
"what? why? when?" millie asked
"two weeks ago. Julia didn't like him anymore. You were right, she was using him" Louis said
Oh shit.
"how do you know that?" I asked Louis
"noah told me" Louis said
"okay" i said.
Louis hugged me.
"why are hugging me?" i asked him
"i'm sorry" he said
"for what?"
"for what happened to you. Julia told me everything and i'm sorry what happened between you and Noah. You guys loved eachother" Louis said
"Thank you!" i said while i hugged him back.
" are you okay now?" Louis asked me. We were still in a hug.
"yes. Thank you" i said
Then i broke the hug.
"THIS IS ADORABLE!" millie said
"ARE YOU FRIENDS AGAIN?" millie asked
"yes" i said
"FINNALY!" she said

For the rest of the day we wacthed 2 movies.
After that me and Louis went home.
"hey" i said.
"yes?" he asked
"wanna go to the roof? and wacth the stars?" i asked him
"is your mom home?" he asked.
"she is working" i said
"then i'll come" he said
We went to my roof. Putted some blankets and beers.
The stars where beautiful.
It wasn't cold outside.
Louis putted his hand over my shoulders and i landed my head oh his shoulder.
"you know..." he said
"what?" i asked
"you are my best friend and i'm so glad that we had that project last year" he said
"haha yeah me too" i said
I was happy. I mean he is my best friend but i have feelings for him.
For about more 1h we were at the roof.
Then it started raining. He went home and i went inside my house. I unblocked him now. We are friends again. I'm so happy.
I ated something and went to bed.
Tomorrow is Sunday. My is coming at 7am.

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