chapter 26

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"HELP!!" I screamed.
"WHO ARE YOU??" i yelled again. There was someone, i couldn't see who it is.
" WHO ARE U!?" i yelled again.
That person was coming my way.
"you need to wake up!" It said
"who are you?" i asked. That person was right infront me, but i didn't reconise it. fog was all around.
"he is going to find you" the person said
"WHO!?" i yelled at the person
"you know who" person said
"WAKE UP Y/N!!" person yelled
I started to scream. Then boomm
I woke up. I was in my bed, louis infront me and my mom. Louis? Wait,that was a dream? Oh thank God.
"y/n?" My mom asked
"are you okay?" Louis asked.
I was shaking, i was sobbing.
It was a nightmare.
I was sitting on my bed, in tears.
My mom next to me and Louis on the other side.
Why is Louis here?
"you okay?" Louis asked while he hugged me
"yes now"
"what happened?" my mom asked. I wasn't crying now, i'm okay now.
"nightmare" I said
"why were you asking for help?" Louis asked
"Someone was there, person, I don't know who is that, he said: "he is going to find you"." I said.
"who?" Louis asked
"him. Mom, him" I looked at my mom
She got up and went downstairs.
Louis and me followed her downstairs.
"mom are you okay?" I asked her. She was drinking wine. When she is drinking wine that means she is scared or confused.
"He can't find you" My mom said
"are you sure mom?" i asked her
"we moved houses and he moved away. He only knows where our old house is" Mom said.
"I know mom, but what if-" I said
"no buts y/n!" She yelled.
Louis was just standing there. Looking at us.
"who?" he asked
"my ex- husband and y/n's dad" my mom said
"what did he do? y/n told me that he cheated." Louis said
"yes he cheated, but there is more..." I said to him
"He was abusing me and y/n, and he  always threatened me and one day on my birthday, i found him and my best friend together in bed, in my house" Mom said
"its been 3years Louis. My dad moved away and we moved houses so he won't find us, but i think he founded us"
"how?" Louis asked
"remember that person who was looking at me at the restaurant?"
"it may be him"  mom said
"oh my-  If you guys ever need any help, me and my family are here so just ask" Louis said. He is so kind
"thank you" i hugged him
"wait, why are you here?" i asked him
"he was passing by and i saw him and i wanted to ask him are you too together and we were talking and we heard you screaming" mom said
"okay, but mom we are friends" I said
"yeah i can see that" she laughed a little bit. Me and Louis were still in hug. We are just friends.
After the conversation mom was making lunch and me and Louis were in my room. We didn't do anything
I was sitting on the chair and he was on my bed.
"you are doing tomorrow" He said
"yes, but i'm coming back for school"
"yes but thats in a moth"
"so, you are gonna wait for me here"
He did the puppy eyes
"wanna do something today?" i asked him
"lets go to shopping" I said so happy
"why not Louis?"
"you can go without me" he said
"i'm not a type a person who likes to go to shopping" he said
He smiled akwardly.
"i should go"
"cause my lunch is soon"
"oh yeah yeah" i sajd to him
He went home.Now i was on my couch wait for lunch.
I made a group chat with Issie and Millie
                Louis's sisters
y/n: hheeeeyy!
M: hi
I: hi!
y/n: you free today??
M: i am
I: i'm not :(
y/n: whyyy
I: i'm going with my bf
y/n: then. okay

The I texted Millie on private
                    Millie <33
y/n: so you are free?
M: yes
y/n: wanna go shopping?
y/n: come to my house at 4pm!
M: do i bring Louis too?
y/n: he said he doesn't like shopping
M: yeah yeah! See you <33
I told my mom where am i going.
We ate our lunch and i did some chores.
After that Millie came. We went to the center
"what should i buy, this one or this one?"She asked me
"that one"
After some time i bought jeans, dress, skirt and some t-shirts. Millie bought jeans, dress T- shirts and some rings.
"let's go to the McDonald's!" shs said
We went to the McDonald's.
We ordered our stuff
"is that Louis?" I asked her
"what? where?" She said
"there!" i pointed
Louis was there? He told he doesn't like shopping.
"whos that?" i asked millie
"Is that Lulu?" WHAT?
"yes y/n look it's her"
LOUIS WITH LULU? what? what did i miss?
" lets go" i dragged her out.
We went back to her house
We looked again at out stuff we bought, pretty good.
"mom, i'm home!" Louis yelled from downstairs.
"Louis" i said to millie
I got in her wardrobe.
Then Louis came in her room
"Millie,where is mom?" Louis asked her
"I don't know, i just came here" she said
"okay! Did you saw y/n anywhere today?" why did Louis asked her that?
"no, why?"
"oh, i wanted to give her this"
"wow Louis!"
It was a necklace. I saw it from the closet
"if you see here anywhere let me know"
"okay bye!"
Then millie shouted the door
i came out of the closet
"he bought you a necklace"
"i saw it"
"he doesn't know that you are here" Millie said.

" if you see her anywhere let me know" i told millie that
Y/n isn't answering any of my messages.
But I know where she is. She is with millie, i saw her phone on Millie's bed.
I bought y/n a necks, why? Because she is going to film ST4 tomorrow and i won't see her so a gift. Later i'll jump in Millie's room and y/n is going to be there.

Millie and me where taking some pictures.
Then Louis jumped in the room. I hided as soon i could.
"where is she?" he asked her
"not here"
"i'm not"
I was hiding behind the bed.
The louis got nexz to bed and saw me
"there you are"
I got up and hugged him
"you didn't and any of my message,why?" Louis asked
"cause we saw you with Lulu" I said
"i just bumped into her"
"oh, sorry" I said while I hugged him one more time.
"okay okay, get a room" Millie said.
" i bought you this" then he showed me a necklace.
"its lovely"
"let me put it on" he said
He putted it on. I felt his cold hands on my neck.
"your hands are cold" i said
"lemme warm it" then i grapped his hands and strated to warm them
"again, get a ROOM" Millie said again.
For the rest of the day we wacthed a movie.
I was going back to my house. I felt eye on me again
I turned around and saw no one. Is he here?
As soon i unlocked the door of my house, i went to sleep. My mom was working.
i'm going to America tomorrow. :)

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