Chapter 3

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The first full day without his keyboard was quite frankly torturous.

He couldn't even tell you his usual screen time with how much he uses his PC, and having to go without it is the worst. Yes, he has a laptop, but he rarely ever used it since there was no need. It's not like he goes out to other places to edit, preferring to work in the quiet of his own home -where he can blast music if wanted- plus his desk chair is very comfy, so he has no need to lay on his bed and do stuff.

The night after Quackitys stream, he had fallen asleep with a headache from his loud friends, and his loud self, so he woke up much more refreshed compared to the previous hours.

His neck hurt a little and so does his back, but considering his job is to sit in a chair for hours on end, he's not surprised and honestly used to it.

He made a mental note to try and schedule a chiropractor appointment.

After ordering breakfast to be delivered to his apartment, he gets dressed into actual clothes, not just pajamas, so he can go downstairs to retrieve his food once it arrives.

Even though it's only been four days, there's a few parts of his living room and kitchen that have already gotten pretty messy without the use of his dominant hand. He picks up a few paper plates and napkins, throwing them in the trash and he wiped down his counter top.

After the area was clean, he sat down on his couch and texted Wilbur for a little while, since the other brit was also awake. He really enjoys talking to the other and Wilbur was always more so on the serious side outside of streaming and videos.

They talked a little bit about some of the upcoming lore, although George didn't really know any of what was going to happen, since Dream liked to not tell him things unless he was involved. But that was only because he didn't prefer doing lore or acting, and Dream understood if he told him too much of everything George would feel pressured to participate.

That was another reason why the brunet appreciated his blond counter part, he seemed to always know the right thing to do in situations to keep George comfortable.

Wilbur had to go, so George checked the app that he ordered food from, seeing that his stuff was about two minutes away. He got socks and shoes on, walking down stairs to the main lobby area of his apartment building, retrieved his breakfast -well, lunch- and once he was back upstairs, he texted Sapnap to check in on the packing situation.

He knew how frustrating moving could be, so he could only imagine how the Texan felt, moving to a whole other state. Especially since he'd be driving there.

Sapnap was scheduled to move in two days, not including today, which would mean he's leaving on January 4th.

Sapnap had told him all about how things were going, and how his desk was already shipped to Dream's house, since there definitely wasn't enough space in his car for it. He was planning on getting a bed frame and a new mattress when he got to Florida, since he needed a new mattress anyway. Plus, his black desk and brown bed frame didn't really match and he wanted to get a black bed frame to tie everything together.

For a man that lives in Texas, George is impressed with his room decor ideas and plans.

Sapnap had even bought a few aestheticly pleasing posters to set up around his room -mostly anime related- and he was also planning on getting a bunch of pictures of him with Dream to hang up. The younger also had plans to meet up with Karl a little later in the year, and he was definitely going to get lots of pictures with the carmel haired boy.

George smiled when Sapnap brought up Karl, since the other always talked about Karl like he was the most perfect person. It made George melt a little at how fond he was.

He was pretty sure he sounded the same way when talking about Dream now that he thought about it, but that's unimportant.

...But now that he's thinking about it, he's really thinking about his feelings for Dream.

He's always preferred the green-eyed boy over some of his other friends, since his social battery never ran out around him. Quackity, Karl, and Sapnap where all too energetic for far too long, too much to keep up with over long periods of time.

But Dream was able to be mellow and and slow, just talk or sit in comfortable silence for awhile without either of them complaining.

Unless they jokingly complained for attention, but that was about it.

They matched eachothers energy well and could always keep up with eachother, making things so much easier when George felt like being more quiet, or when he felt like being more fast paced.

Sapnap had said he needed to go and take down some things he still had on his wall, so George texted back his good bye and checked to see if anyone else was online or if he missed any notifications.

He mostly saw notifis from Twitter and YouTube, but as soon as the gray dot turned to green by Dream's discord name -although George couldn't see green, he knew it couldn't be yellow since Dream never had it on yellow, so that way George could always tell if was either green, red, or gray-  he sent the other a text.

Since they usually talked everyday, it wasn't uncommon for either of them to stalk eachothers discord to see when they'd be online.

Dream replied quickly, and George decided to ask him all about Sapnap's situation and how things would go with him moving in.

The blond had explained that the house they got was two stories, himself on the second floor and the raven-haired male on the bottom floor. He already set up Sapnap's desk, since it arrived earlier in the morning, and he told George about how there's still another empty room that needs an inhabitant.

The brunet had texted back that he'd fill up that space soon, it would just take some time to figure things out before he can moved across an ocean.

Which definitely isn't a lie. Moving that far was definitely anxiety inducing, but it felt like something else was weighing him down too.

word count: 1100

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