the group date

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Miles stared down at his phone, his heart pounding in his ears. Was he really about to do this? This was gonna be weird, he thought to himself.

It's better than having to ask Alya or Julie, a small voice in the back of his head said. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair before typing out the message.

miles.lennox: hey uh it's miles. u already knew that bc my username is literally my name. shit. um anyways, i kind of need your help and it's kind of a weird request so if u say no i won't blame u.

He stared at his phone as that stupid typing thing popped up before he got a response. uh yeah. what's up?

Miles sighed in relief before responding.

miles.lennox: so my friends are all going on this double date and ive been kinda forced into it?? and i just need u to come with me so that they won't get on my ass about me being lonely and shit

miles.lennox: if u can't/don't want to,, it's fine. i'll just lie and say i'm feeling sick or smth. we'd just be fourth and fifth wheeling basically anyways. sure why not. uh is there like a dress code or smth?

Miles' heart caught in his throat. Of all the outcomes, he hadn't expected this.

miles.lennox: no. jax said we're gonna go hangout on queen st. west. maybe go into some of the stores. i know that scarlett wanted to go to the graffiti alley for a photoshoot or smth okay cool! do you want meet downtown or??

miles.lennox: i could pick u up? depends on where u live but if it'll be easier, i can do that. esp since i asked u to do this for me anyways. yeah sure! i live at 12 Hastings Avenue so not too far away but if ur willing...

miles.lennox: i am!! thanks carly, ur seriously the best. np buddy

Miles grinned as he placed his phone on his dresser. Maybe, this could actually be fun. Carly had seemed really sweet when they had worked on the Red Riding Hood project together. And what was the worse that could happen?

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