i've been hearing symphonies

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the decision comes to her after her fight with vanessa. she’s in her room, sitting on her bedroom floor as she runs the day over and over in her head.

was she always going to be vanessa’s understudy? did she have to be? carly honestly didn’t know.

she knew she was talented, after all she had gotten into keaton in the first place, but vanessa was… magic when she danced. carly wasn’t.

she sighed, running her fingers through her hair. turning her head, she caught a glimpse of her old keyboard. it had been years since she had last played it.

way too long in her opinion. taking a deep breath, she stands up before walking over to it and sitting down on the small bench.

she presses down on one of the keys and smiles to herself as a wonky note comes out. she presses other keys, creating a short melody of mismatched notes - notes like her.

notes that don’t really belong, notes that no one really knows what to do with.

it’s perfect, in the way she’s never been. vanessa is perfect, always has been. even when they were little.

but somehow, sitting her at her keyboard and pressing down on out of tune keys, carly feels more perfect than she’ll ever be.

and that’s all it takes for her to drop out of the dance program and join music that next monday.

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