be enough for you

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When she first sees the picture on Instagram, Alya immediately closes her eyes. Her and Miles aren’t together anymore. They probably never will be if she’s honest. Things had ended too messily.

It still hurts to see him having so much fun with someone else. With Julie Maslany nonetheless.

“Ignore it Lee.” The rational part of her brain tells her. “He isn’t yours anymore. You don’t have the right to get mad.” And she wants to listen to that part of her brain as much as possible.

But she finds herself opening her eyes and grabbing her phone again and scrolling through Miles’s Instagram. It makes her sad, makes her yearn for a Miles she hasn’t seen since… since they were dating

“Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me.” She grumbles to herself as she exits out of Instagram and onto YouTube before pulling her ukulele out and beginning to strum quietly.

In her mind, Miles takes her back and everything is okay in the world. But that’s where that stays, in her mind.

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