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Sunday, October 10                

1:23 pm EST

Percy: sports teams, sound off!

Percy: (i'm captain of the swim team)

Leo: *sp0rts

Percy: what?

Leo: you're talking to a twink, we don't do sp0rts

Mitchell: as a twink, I was gonna say that that isn't true, but then i remember what sports team I'm on and...

Leo: gymnastics?

Mitchell: yeah

Clarisse: wrestling team captain

Reyna: Gymnastics

Connor: track

Drew: Gymnastics

Thalia: captain of the archery team

Percy: that is a lot of gymnastics

Drew: We only have like 5 sports teams and no cheerleading, of course it's a lot of gymnastics

Percy: i mean, that's fair

Percy: so who's not on a sports team?

Jason: nope, too busy watching you at swim practice ;)

Annabeth: Ignoring that. I'm too busy with student council stuff and academics

Piper: my girlfriend is the secretary of the student council, beat that mother fuckers

Alex: my sister is student council president

Piper: i-

Katie: I don't really do sports

Piper: i do, just don't like the school ones

Leo: as establish, sp0rts are a no for me

Magnus: i'm not particularly good at sports so...

Alex: yeah you're pretty awful when it comes to sports

Mallory: you can say that again, Valhalla dodgeball nights prove that better than anything

Percy: something tells me i wouldn't wanna play dodgeball at valhalla

TJ: you wouldn't last a minute

Mallory: i also do sports, just not at school

Mallory: don't like what they offer

Magnus: but like, you would murder if you were on the wrestling team

Mallory: that is true

Clarisse: there is always a position open if you want

TJ: and i play video games

TJ: a lot of them

Magnus: wish we had a video game team at school

Percy: it's too bad freshman can join sports but not clubs

Percy: cause the freshman are so gay, gayer then gay, flaming gay, rainbow

Piper: why is that?

Percy: idk, something in the water

Piper: lmafo, i meant why can't freshman join clubs but they can join sports

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