Bitches, Bros, and Nonbinary Hoes

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Group Chat: New Year, New Gay

Monday, January 17

7:03 am EST

Leo: just relaized we dont have school today

Leo: i got ready and everything

Leo: oh well more sleep for me

Group Chat: the OG squad part 2

Wednesday, January 19

3:06 pm EST

Clarisse removed Thalia and Reyna from the chat

Clarisse: just watched thals and rey, who have lockers next to each other, carry all their books around for the entire day and then not go to their lockers at the end of the day

Clarisse: they really need to stop ignoring each other

Percy: @Jason, my dear, make you sister and bestie talk to each other

Jason: don't you think i've tried

Piper: i tried too

Annabeth: Same here.

Clarisse: gays, am i right?

Percy: don't call us out like that la rue-

Clarisse > Thals

Wednesday, January 19

3:12 pm EST

Clarisse: bitch, you and rey need to talk

Thals: what are you talking about

Clarise: you and reyna have been ignoring eachother since new years

Clarisse: look, i get it, you kissed and now it;s awkward but you 2 like eachother and if you dont talk about it you'll lose your friendship

Thals: idk risse

Clarisse: you remember what it was like after me and silena kissed for the first time or worse chris and charlie

Thals: chris and beckendorf wouldn't make eye contact for a whole week lol

Clarisse: yeah, don't let that be you and rey

Clarisse: time is too short

Thals: i'm sorry risse

Thals: if luke didn't do what he did, ugh you know what i'm try to say

Thals: i'm sorry my drama is making you relive that

Clarisse: i get it thals, you went through shit that day too

Clarisse: and honestly its nice relieving the moments from freshman and sophomore year, before everything went to shit

Thals: i miss it

Clarisse: me too

Clarisse: and you'll talk to rey

Thals: idk if i'll talk to her about new years yet, but i'll try and stop ignoring her, yeah lol

Clarisse: good, or else i was gonna have to come knock some sense into you

Thals: always the violent type risse

Group Chat: Her Royal Highness and Her Boys

Tuesday, January 25

7:23 pm EST

TJ: hey guys

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