Classes, Hot Girls, Birthdays

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Group Chat: Scare The Straight Outta You

Monday, November 1

8:54 am EST

Alex: who the fuck gives a pop test in first period on a monday the day after halloween!!!!!

Clarisse: ms. athena

Thalia: athena

Annabeth: Athena

Alex: i hate math

Thalia: she is by far the bitchiest math teacher, but she is the smartest

Clarisse: you can say that again

Annabeth: I like her

Clarisse: of course you do

Mitchell > Connor <3

Wednesday, November 3

9:21 am EST

Mitchell: are you in class already?

Connor <3: yeah

Connor <3: what's up

Mitchell: do we have any important assignments?

Connor <3: just working on our essay all period

Mitchell: can you cover for me?

Connor <3: are you skipping, cause if your skipping i wanna come

Mitchell: i'm going to guidance

Connor <3: oh

Connor <3: yeah i can cover for you

Mithcell: thanks

Connor <3: you ok?

Mitchell: i think so, just need to idk

Connor <3: ok, if you want i can sneak off campus and get mcdonalds for lunch

Mitchell: you'll get sweet tea?

Connor <3: of course

Katie > Mitchy

Tuesday, November 9

1:53 pm EST

Katie: Give me your sister's number

Mitchy: which one

Katie: Don't play games with me, you know which one

Mitchy: what if i don't want to give you her number

Katie: Seriously?

Mitchy: why would i give you her number just so you can flirt with MY SISTER



Mitchy: why do you hate me?

Katie: Give me her number of I tell Connor about your crush on him

Mitchy: i do not have a crush on him

Katie: And I don't have a crush on your sister

Katie: Send the contact info

Mitchy: fine

Mitchy: [Contact: Drew Tanaka]

Katie > Drew Tanaka

Tuesday, November 9

2:02 pm EST

Katie: Hey, it's Katie from GSA

Katie: I got your number from Mitchell

Drew: Hey

Drew: You're the hot girl who yells at the Stolls

Group Chat: Scare The Straight Outta You

Friday, November 12

2:28 am EST




Clarisse: well, i'm gonna go to sleep now

Thalia: night

Group Chat: Scare The Straight Outta You

Friday, November 12

7:33 am EST

Reyna: Happy Birthday Clarisse!

Percy: i wanna be concerned that thalia and clarisse we both awake at 2 in the morning, but i'm not surprised

Thalia: that's fair

Leo: might i wish the fair knight clarisse a happy birthday

Clarisse: no you might not

Leo: i am hurt

Clarisse: that's the best birthday wish i could ask for

Chris > Clarisse

Friday, November 12

5:33 pm EST

Chris: happy birthday risse

Clarisse: thanks

Clarisse: i miss you

Read 5:35 pm

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