Chapter 5: The Tournament Begins

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Up in the arena, Shifu was overseeing the preparations when Master Oogway appeared, coming down the steps.

"It is an historic day." Shifu said. "Isn't it, Master Oogway?"

"Yes, and one I feared I would not live to see." Oogway replied. "Are your students ready?"

"Yes, Master Oogway." Shifu answered.

"Now know this, old friend." Oogway said. "Whomever I choose will not only bring
peace to the valley...but also to you."

Oogway walked off and stood by Vee, leaving Shifu to ponder what this may mean. He quickly caught up with him as the crowd roared with excitement.

"I've never seen a crowd like this before." Vee said.

"Are you nervous, young one?" Oogway asked.

"For my friends, yes." Vee replied. "But I'm happy for them."

"Remember this, Venus." Oogway said, that made Vee look at him. "Whomever I choose, might be your best friend. A friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find but lucky to have."

Vee thought about it and gave a smile to Oogway. He had encouraged her to be good friends with the Furious Five and Shifu, but Vee did want to find a best friend outside the Jade Palace.

Vee quickly focused on the tournament when a pig announcer approached with a gong in his hoof.

"Let the tournament begin!" The pig announcer said.

The pig stroked the gong as the crowd cheered. Outside the arena, Po finally reached the top of the stairs; out of breath, but pleased with himself. His joy was cut short when he saw the entrance doors beginning to close.

"Oh, no!" Po gasped before he sprinted for the doors. "No no no, wait... I'm coming! Yes!"

The doors slammed shut as he slammed into them.

"Owww..." Po said before he collapsed.

The tournament music started up. Po quickly got back up and banged in the door.

"Hey, open the door!" Po shouted.

The pigs rapping on drums drown out Po's banging.

"Let me in!" Po pleaded.

"Citizens of the Valley of Peace." Shifu announced from inside.

Po ran up to a small circular window and jumped to grab it. He struggled to pull himself up and see inside.

"It is my great honor to present to you... Tigress! Viper! Crane! Monkey! Mantis! The Furious Five!" Shifu continued.

Po laughed in delight as his idols leaped onto the scene in a stunning display of kung fu prowess. Master Crane flapped his wings and sent a powerful gust of wind into the arena.

"Oh, it's the Furious Five!" Po cheered before the wind blew the window closed, that knocked Po back onto the ground.

"Warriors, prepare!" Shifu said.

"Oh, ah! Peeky-hole!" Po muttered as he got up and spotted a crack in the entrance doors before he peeked through.

"Ready for battle!" Shifu said.

Po saw Master Crane getting into position, facing a deadly looking machine.

"The Thousand Tongues of Fire." Po said before he laughed in in anticipation.

"Whoa, look at that." A pig villager said before he stepped in front of and blocked Po's view.

"Hey! Get out of the way!" Po shouted.

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