Chapter 17: Tai Lung vs Furious Five

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Meanwhile, the Five raced toward the Thread of Hope, a rope bridge stretched between mountain peaks above a huge abyss shrouded in mist. Tai Lung raced across the long bridge. Both sides stop at opposite ends of the last section of bridge, and eyed each other. Tai Lung roared and raced across the bridge toward the Five.

"Cut it!" Tigress ordered.

The others slashed at the ropes that secured the bridge to the mountain. Tai Lung was almost upon them when Tigress cut the final rope. But Tai Lung was too close—Tigress launched herself into him, that kicked him back. The two felines ended up in the middle of the bridge just as it started to tumble into the canyon below. The Five grabbed support ropes and held on for dear life. While Tigress maintained a combative pose, Tai Lung casually leaned on one of the ropes.

"Where's the Dragon Warrior?" Tai Lung asked.

"How do you know you're not looking at her?" Tigress bluffed.

"You think I'm a fool?" Tai Lung laughed. "I know you're not the Dragon Warrior. None of you!"

Tigress growled, as her bluff had foiled. Her comrades exchanged quick, worried looks. Tai Lung walked along the rope without effort.

"I heard how he fell out of the sky on a ball of fire...that he's a warrior unlike anything the world has ever seen." Tai Lung continued.

The Five exchanged quick, confused looks.

"Po?!" Monkey questioned.

"So that is his name...Po." Tai Lung smiled. "Finally, a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary!"

Tigress charged at him as the battle began. Tigress and Tai Lung exchanged blows as they hung from the bridge. Tigress put up a very good fight, but soon Tai Lung began to get the upper hand.

"We've got this." Monkey reassured as he and Mantis held the ropes. "Help her!"

Crane and Viper handed over their ropes. Tai Lung kicked Tigress, that sent her to slam through dozens of board before she stopped. While she was stunned, Tai Lung grabbed the robes and twisted them. The ropes close on Tigress's throat and she choked. At that moment, Viper lunged at Tai Lung, which caused him to let go of the ropes. Tigress was freed, but plummeted down into the gorge... but Crane managed to catch her. Viper wrapped herself around Tai Lung's neck and wrist and punched him repeatedly with his own fist. Tai Lung managed to get a paw around Viper's 'throat'.

"Monkey!" Viper chocked out.

"Go!" Mantis insisted as Monkey handed over his rope and joined the battle, that left Mantis to hold up the bridge and he occupants all by himself. "Ack! What was I thinking?!"

Monkey leapt into action, as he kicked Tai Lung in the chest away from Viper and sent him to crash onto the slats. Mantis groaned as he fought to keep a hold of the ropes. Tai lung got back to his feet and started to run back to them, as he switched between ropes. Crane flew up with Tigress as she dangled from his legs.

"Mantis!" Tigress called out.

Mantis whipped his end of the rope, that sent a sine wave that shot toward Tai Lung. The rope whipped Tai Lung in the face and he got stunned. The Five saw their chance.

"Now!" Tigress said.

As they worked as a team, the Five kicked Tai Lung's butt every which way. Then Crane wrapped Tai Lung in one of the ropes, and Tigress finally slashed the last rope that held him up. He plummeted down... down... and disappeared into the mist. A distant crunch implied that he had crashed into the far mountain. Mantis whipped his end of the rope, that returned his buddies safely to the mountain. The Five looked breathless, but relieved. But the relief was short-lived... Tigress noticed that the other end of the bridge had circled the far mountain peak. Her eyes go wide with dread. The rope whipped up. But Tai Lung wasn't there. With a crash, he suddenly appeared behind the Five. They whirled around, startled.

"Shifu taught you well." Tai Lung admitted.

Tai Lung striked Monkey in the chest, who instantly froze and collapsed. The Five gasped in horror.

"But he didn't teach you everything." Tai Lung finished.

Tai lung lunged toward the rest...

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