An Un4Seeable Future

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The pumpkins that everyone had worked so hard to carve lay face-down in the dirt, rotting into the ground. Empty candy wrappers flitted around alongside browning leaves in chilly gusts of wind.

The fire in front of Paintbrush danced in lockstep with the gusts of wind. In spite of its warmth, Paintbrush could feel the icy grip of winter in the air around them. They opened their mouth to suggest they go inside and warm up, but the words died in their throat when they saw their companion's expression. Marshmallow wasn't shivering one bit as she stared into the flames, a troubled expression on her face.



"...What's on your mind?"

"It's ridiculous."

Paintbrush cracked a grin, "Isn't a lot of the stuff we talk about?"

Their conversations had a way of meandering towards Paintbrush's elusive question, or something odd that one of them noticed, or Lightbulb, or Apple. They'd talked about those things at least a few times a week since Apple arrived; most people would've told both of them to take a hike by then.

Paintbrush's attempt at levity failed. Marshmallow looked grim when she looked at them.

"...I think figuring out why I know Apple is the key to understanding why everything's so weird. That's how I feel. I just wish talking to her didn't go to crap. Like, it was supposed to be more... friendly, right? I think? Maybe?"

Paintbrush hummed. "It's never too late to apologize."

"But how would I even start? 'Oh, I'm sorry I compared you to garbage, if anything you're as far from garbage as you could ever be'?" Was it a trick of the light, or did Marshmallow's cheeks become dusted with a light pink? "Besides, I hate to say it, but my time's running out."

Paintbrush's chest seized up. "What do you mean by that?"

"The viewers hate mean outbursts, Paintbrush! They probably had a field day in the comment section."

"Salt's way meaner than you, though," Paintbrush replied. "And Pickle sucks at challenges."

"Knowing my luck, they wouldn't even care. And, you know what? If I'm right, the elimination is tomorrow. There's no way I can come up with the right words by then."

Everything in Paintbrush wanted to say Marshmallow was wrong, but truth be told, it could just as easily be them. Even if they knew how the episode made them look, Marshmallow didn't seem like the wishy washy type; if she believed something, it would take a lot to shake that.

In the distance, Paintbrush spotted movement. Salt and Pepper walked together, arm in arm; Salt looked as carefree as could be.

Paintbrush could only hope it would be her and not the one friend they had.


Paintbrush had a terrible feeling as their platform rose. MePhone 4 faced them with his usual grin.

"I couldn't find any other prizes on short notice, so today I'll be giving you guys SILLY BANDS. The first contestant safe is Pickle, with a measly 26 votes."

He threw a band at Pickle, but it blew away before it reached him. "Great prize," he snarked.

"So is Paintbrush, with 58 votes."

Paintbrush managed to catch theirs. It was red and crab shaped; adorable, really. Instead of admiring it, they immediately looked at Marshmallow.

"The next eliminated contestant isssssssss..."

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