At the library

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Once I decided the piece I was going to play for Levi, I closed my laptop.

"Oh are you done printing the notes?" I asked as I saw Levi coming back with some sheets of paper in his hand.

"Yes. Now excuse me, I have to go practice." He said as he took the rest of his belongings from the classroom and left. 'Well I guess I'm gonna go print my own notes.' I thought to myself as I shrugged and walked away.


"Oh by the way, how did you pair the students?" I heard a male voice talking.

"Well...I paired them relying entirely on myself." I recognized the other voice as Hange's. I didn't enter the teacher's room yet. I didn't want to intrude their conversation.

"So you didn't pair them by their last names or something?" The male asked.

"No. Ohh, you know I paired Y/n and Levi because I think Y/n likes Levi and vice versa." After Hange said that she let out a laugh that sounded like she was plotting something...well she definitely was.

"Oh Y/n...your face is all red." My head shot up and my eyes met Hange's. I touched my cheeks lightly and felt a burning sensation. "No way...did you hear our conversation?" Hange added.

"I- umm...yes." I responded looking at the floor, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Well aren't you glad I paired you with Levi?!" Hange's tone suddently became energetic as she wrapped an arm around my neck and ruffled my hair.

"Hange let the poor girl alone." I looked up and saw a blonde male with blue eyes. His hair was neatly brushed and he was wearing a white shirt. "I'm Erwin Smith, Levi's piano teacher." He introduced himself once he realized I didn't know who he was.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n." I put out my hand which he took and gave a firm shake. "I'm gonna go print out some notes...bye." I waved to them and quickly got inside the teacher's room, heading to the printer.

'Why is professor Hange always shipping me with someone?' I asked myself as I remembered the time she shipped me with Eren.


"Alright Y/n, enough practice for today." Professor Hange announced as I got up and started walking towards the door.

"Okay, bye professor Hange!" I was ready to get out the door but professor Hange stopped me.

"Not so quick Y/n...I have some questions for you." She said as she pulled a chair beside her desk for me to sit on. She walked over to me and grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to walk over to the chair. Once I took a seat she began talking again.

"So...who's that roommate of yours?" She put her hands under her chin, staring at me through her glasses.

"Which one...I have two."

"I'm not talking about Armin, I'm talking about the other one. You know the one with tan skin, long, brown hair, green eyes." The image of Eren popped in my head as she was describing him.

"Oh, that's Eren!" I exclaimed as I told her his name.

"Yes! Yes, Eren!" She slammed her hands on the table as she sat up.

"What about him?" I questioned, not understanding what she wanted to know about my roommate.

"You like him don't you?! You two would be so cute together!"

"Who likes who?" My head snapped towards the door and I saw Eren standing there with a bag of chips in his hand.

"Eren! There you are!" Hange shouted as she started walking towards Eren. "You like Y/n, right?" She looked at his bright green eyes with her own brown one's.

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