Changing things

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Winter break has passed rather quickly and now classes were about to start again. I had a talk with Hange after Levi's request and I explained her what has been going through my mind these past weeks.

Hange noticed that I hadn't been practicing piano and wanted to ask me about it however winter break started and she hadn't had the chance.

After I had my talk with her she said she respected whatever decision I took and if I chose to quit she would still support me but she had one proposal for me.

When I asked what the proposal was she didn't tell me. She only said that if I chose to continue this path then it would be a great opportunity for me.

Now, after the lesson I had with her I'm going to go and see what this all is about.

"So...about that proposal you mentioned..." I started. Hange quickly understood what I was talking about and became enthusiastic.

"Oh yes! Are you perhaps interested in it?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm not going to quit so I would like to hear this proposal." Hange smiled at my words. I guess she was relieved I am not going to quit. After all, she has known me for a long time and has taken a liking to me, like I'm her bestie.

"So I got an email about this audition that's going on next week, and I was wondering if you'd want to participate?" I smiled, noticing that she had told me about it a week prior and not the day before, like she had done in the past.

"Sure but...what am I auditioning for?"

"For a scholarship at a university in Germany."


"Did you talk to Hange? You said she had something to tell you or something like that." Levi asked as he ate his ice cream.

"Oh yeah! I'm gonna go to an audition." I informed him. "And I want you to teach me a piece." I added. He stopped eating and looked at me confused.

"Why me?"

"Because you already know how to play it and I want to learn it and to play it for this audition." I explained. He looked at me a little confused, probably tried to figure out which piece I was talking about.

"Fine. What piece?"

"Love's Sorrow." I smiled.


"Alright, we have the sheet music, we can start." Levi said.

He made time in his schedule for me, which I thought was really sweet of him to do, and we started practicing as soon as we could.

"This piece shouldn't be that complicated for you, considering you've played harder pieces, but the timing is a little hard to get. You'll manage though." Levi warned. I was determined to learn this piece, it was really beautiful and it reminds me of the time when Levi and I saw each other for the first time. After all, he played it at the competition that started all of this.

"Let's get to work then."


"Y/n, you should take a break." Levi said after three hours of standing beside me and teaching me.

"No, I want this to be perfect." I protested. Levi sighed and sat at the piano, beside me. He took my hands in his hands and as soon as my fingertips were off the keys, they stopped moving.

"You don't have this audition tomorrow or after tomorrow like you're used to having them. You have it next week, you have plenty of time so relax." He explained. And I knew he was right but I was stubborn so I didn't want to admit that. And even if I knew I had time on my hands, my mind was telling me to learn it faster like that was the only way I could learn things.

"No, I have to learn at least this part today." I said as I took my own hands out of his, placed them on the keys and started playing again.

"Brat, this is not good for your health. I know you're stubborn but listen to me at least this time."

"I usually listen to you." I responded at his argument.

"Tch, you clearly don't since you keep playing." He clicked his tongue.

"Well just let me do things my way." I shrugged and kept playing without paying much attention to what was around me.

"You're gonna get sick if you keep doing things your way." I raised an eyebrow at his words. What did he even mean.

"I'm not."

"Oh yeah? When was the last time you ate. I bet it was this morning, because we have been here since before lunch and I haven't seen you have anything to eat." I didn't speak, and that was because I didn't know what to say. He was right after all.

"How much sleep did you even get? You have bags under your eyes." He continued after hearing my silence.

"Your lips are chapped. You can't even put some chapstick on your lips, at least be careful about that."

"I know alright!" I suddenly raised my voice. "I know all of these things, and I know they're not good for me but I can't just change the way I learn over night!" I continued.

"I have been living this way since middle school and now I'm in college. It's gonna take a while for me to accommodate to not spending six hours at a piano and getting the chance to relax a little!" I stood up and started walking towards the door.

"I'm glad you care about my health and all but you have to understand, things don't change that easily." I said before walking out of the room.

'What a stupid argument.'

Hey guys, here's the new chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next time, bye!!!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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