The Dead Newlywed Pt 2

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A/N I love all of Jin's Tiny Tan's, the one above is my next Tattoo, I Cant wait.


As Yoongi and I questioned the husband, I couldn't help but to glance at Jin and Taehyung, it was really starting to bother me that he wants to be near Jin all of a sudden. After hours of talking to this guy he is sticking to his story that it was an accident and than he lawyered up. Son of a bitch is playing us, I believe Jin when he says the husband knows more than he is saying. I look over at him again and he is talking to someone, but someone I cant see, he looks sad and so tired. His dreams must really take their toll on him, I wonder if he ever gets a break from any of this. I wonder who he is talking to, because it looks really serious.

Some woman comes storming into the room and starts slapping our victims husband calling him every name in the book, crying that she is gone and how could he do this. "How the hell did she get in here", Yoongi says pulling her off the suspect. "Who are you", I ask. "I'm his sister in law and that asshole killed my sister", she is crying hysterically. I look at Yoongi confused and shrug, he takes her into another room and gets her some water, he will wait till she calms down before talking to her. 


"I told you he doesn't want me, he wants some pretty little female with a nice ass and tits that he can show off to his friends, although I have a nice ass, my tits on the other hand", I say sarcastically. "He thinks that the DA wants you and he is jealous, cant you see it", Mr. Jeon says. "No because I don't pay attention to him anymore, and besides Taehyung has someone special in his life already, the only reason he wants to be around me is because he wants to know the truth about something that happened in his past", I say bored. "You already know what he wants don't you", Mr. Jeon asks. I nod. A lady walks in to the station and I got a really bad vibe off of her, short skirt, boobs hanging out of her blouse, I see her walk into the interrogation room. I walk in after her and I knew right then and there who she was, and I saw the way Jungkook looked at her.

He looked at me and I rolled my eyes and walked out. "Jin, I-I uh", he stutters. "Save it detective, look all you want she's fucking him and posing as his lawyer, she had something to do with the murder too, so instead of looking at a nice pair of boobs, why don't you do your job", I turn and walk away. "Yoongi, I gave your detective some leads, make sure he follows up on them instead of ogling women", I say walking out the door. Okay yea I sound bitter, and maybe I am, I finally find hot sexy guy with a stable job and all he daydreams about is a tight ass and big boobs, oh well you win some you lose some. When I get home I change into lounge pants, a tank top, pour myself a glass of wine and sit to watch Netflix and clear my mind.

The knock at the door brought me out of my movie haze, I got up and looked at the camera, shit. I opened the door, "Detective Jeon what do you want", I ask annoyed. "Can I come in I want to talk", he says. I move out of the way and allow him to walk in, "what do I owe the pleasure, my popcorn is getting cold and I'm missing the best part of my movie." "I wanted to apologize for my actions this afternoon, it was very unprofessional", he says. "Detective you do not have to apologize to me, I am not your spouse", I say. "Not yet you mean", Mr. Jeon says. I turn, "you shoosh back there", I say pointing at him. I turn back around and see Jungkook looking at me confused, "is that all you had to say Detective", I ask. "Seokjin, are you upset with me about something, you seem really cold toward me, and I really wish you would call me Jungkook and not detective", he says.

"I'm not upset with you Det- Jungkook, I just- never mind, you wouldn't get it anyway", I say sighing. "Can I treat you to dinner", he asks. "How about you come in and Ill cook, because I don't feel like getting dressed", I say. "Even better", he says smiling. We went to the kitchen and he helped me prepare dinner, "this is where it all starts you know", Mr. Jeon says, "he knows he's in love when he takes a bite of your Kimchi Fried Rice." I roll my eyes at him. "Can you tell me who it is you see, I see you talking to someone sometimes and I was wondering who it is", Jungkook asks. "No one in particular, just random people, depends on who feels like talking, some more than others", I glare at Mr. Jeon. He laughs, "now I know why my son falls in love with you, you are cute", he says.

"Feel like watching a movie or something", he asks. I sigh, "sure, why not", I say. We sat on the couch and I let him pick a movie, and of course he picked an action movie. We shared my cold popcorn and I actually really enjoyed the movie and his company. "Has he made a move yet", Mr. Jeon says popping up. I narrow my eyes at him and shake my head, Jungkook notices me, "someone there", he asks giggling. "Yea one of my more annoying visitors", I say annoyed. Mr. Jeon laughs and winks at me, "you love me and you know it." In the middle of the second movie I  must have dozed off...

"Why are you here, I told you I would call you, she is in the bathroom and will see you here, you need to leave." "Don't you worry about it lover, I got this"

"Jin, Jin wake up, Jin please wake up", I bolted upright and Jungkook was holding me. "Oh god, are you okay, you were gasping for air, you scared me half to death", Jungkook says still holding me, I'm not going to lie, I liked it. I looked at him, and we were really close to each other, "I'm fine, and I know who killed the newlywed", I say not wanting to move afraid that Jungkook will let me go. But instead he pulls me a little closer, and I actually think I hear him sniff me, I literally giggle at that. I look at him, "sorry", he says, "I couldn't help it, you smell really good." "Its ok", I blush. He hesitantly removes his arms from around me and I whimper at the loss, Oh god I whimpered, seriously, I want to kick myself, but he smiled again and actually blushed a little. "We need to call Yoongi, I know who did it.

My Paranormal Partner, short storiesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang