Wrong Grave (2)

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The next day, after Jungkook leaves for work, I try to find information on Sal's family, I wonder if they know what happened to him and do they know he's dead. I find Sal's wife, she works at the library downtown, I quickly shower and dress, text Jungkook where I am going and head downtown. I make it to the library and head to the front desk, "excuse me, I am looking for Susan Rodgers." "You found her, how can I help you." 

"When was the last time you saw your husband Sal", I ask. "Ex-husband, and it's been a while, maybe 3 or 4 years, why." "I hate to have to tell you this, but Sal is dead." "Oh my god, Ann can you watch the counter for me", she asks her coworker. We walk outside and she leans against the building, "dead, when." "A couple weeks ago", I say. "How", she asks lighting a cigarette. "I'm not sure about that part yet", I say. "Are you a police officer", she asks. "Uh, no my fiancé is a detective and I help him out sometimes, I guess you could call me freelance", I say.


When I left Susan, I told her when I find out more information I would contact her. It wouldn't be right to tell her that her husband is in another man's grave. "How is she", I yelp and turn to see Sal. "She's okay, sad to hear about you, but okay, she seems like a strong woman", I say. "She is, she didn't put up with my shit, what are you going to do now", he asks. "Find the man who's grave you are lying in", I say.

"Seokjin", my samchon says. "What are you two doing here", I ask Mr. Jeon and my samchon. "Came to check on you, how's my grandson", Mr. Jeon asks. "He's good, getting big, now tell me what you really want", I ask suspiciously. My phone rings, but I glare at them both, "don't go anywhere, hello." "Jin, it's Janice Simpson, we met at the cemetery the other day, I am Charles' wife", she says.

"Yes, I remember you, how have you been", I ask. "I've been okay, taking it a day at a time, I wanted to tell you, you asked if I knew a Sal Rodgers, well he just called me", she says. "What, are you sure", I ask. "Yes, the caller ID said Sal Rodgers, I wrote down the number for you", she says. After hanging up with her, I look at the two troublemakers, "now tell me why you are both here." 

"Seokjin, you are going to meet a man soon, a man like you, he is a friend, he wants to help", my uncle says. Mr. Jeon stands and starts to pace, "when people die, as you know they go toward the light, that's their salvation, well it seems there is another entity out there who is convincing the dead to go into the dark." "If he keeps up what he is doing, the darkness will eventually take over the light and no one will find salvation", my uncle says.


"Baby, what's wrong", Jungkook asks answering the phone. I laugh, "nothing love, if you aren't busy I need a favor." "Anything love, tell me", he says. "Can you trace a phone number for me", I ask. "Are you going to tell Jungkook", Mr. Jeon asks. "Yes, I don't keep things from him, I just hope this isn't as bad as it sounds, I worry about him", I say. "You're back", Mr. Jeon says to my uncle. "Jinnie, your Aunt wants to see you"  my uncle says.

"Thank you for calling me babe, if you would have come by yourself, I would not have been happy", Jungkook says squeezing my hand. "Thank you for coming with me, I feel safer with you, I don't know what's going on, but I hope my Aunt can shed some light", I say. "Oh by the way, I traced that phone number you gave me, and the last 6 or 7 calls hit a cell tower near Lake Bujon", Jungkook says turning into my aunts driveway. "Hmmm, interesting", I say. 

"Jinnie, Kookie, come here and give me hugs ", Imo says. We both embrace her tightly, "how have you been Imo, Samchon told me you wanted to see me." He smile fades and she pulls me into the house, "sit, you are huge, and you are going to go early, so be prepared." "What", I say panicking. "Calm down, not that early, and he will be healthy and beautiful, but he is getting cramped in the there and wants out ", she laughs. "Imo, can you talk the baby", I ask. She smirks wickedly.

"For a long time I debated and argued with your samchon and your grandparents if I should tell you this, knowing wouldn't have made your life any different, until now", she says.  She hands Jungkook and I two cups of tea, "you speak to my grandparents too." "I never told you that because your grandmother specifically asked me not too, she didn't want to be a burden to your life, but we talk about you all the time", Imo says. 

"I know that your samchon and Mr. Jeon told you of a man coming to see you", she says sitting across from us. "What man", Jungkook asks, a hint of jealousy in his voice. I smile and grab his hand, "this man is like Seokjin, he is going to help him, but what you need to know my dear nephew is that the man bringing the darkness, is your half brother." "Excuse me", I ask standing up. "he has an ability, but not as powerful as yours or mine, your father had an affair and this boy was a product of it, he is bitter and angry", Imo says. 

"Half brother, Imo can talk to my baby and talks to my grandparents", I say disbelieving it all. "Thats alot to take in, in one day love, are you okay", Jungkook asks hugging me. "I think so, just numb right now", I say hugging him back. "Seokjin", I open my eyes and see Sal standing there. I pull away from Jungkook and walk toward Sal, "what do you have in common with Lake Bujon." "I have a cabin there, why", he asks. "Who's this", Imo asks. "Imo this is Sal, Sal this is my aunt", i introduce them. 

"She can see me too", he asks. I nod, "someone called Charles Simpsons widow, and the caller ID said it was you." "He took his phone, he actually took his whole life", Imo says. I stare at her dumbfounded, then look back at Sal, "she's right, I remember, he was hitchhiking, it was raining, so I picked him up, he said his car broke down. We talked while I drove him to a gas station, he said he owed someone a lot of money and that his wife was going leave him for gambling."

"Was it Charles", I ask. "Yes, he introduced himself, the rain was getting worse and he suddenly grabbed the steering wheel, making me drive off the road, I died because I was looking down at my dead body, he crawled out of the car and stared at my body for the longest time, I couldn't even recognize myself, that's how bad it was, he proceeded to take my wallet and phone, placing his wallet in my pocket, then set the car on fire", Sal explains. 

"He has to be staying at your cabin, Jungkook and I will go there tomorrow morning, we will straighten this all out for you and your family", I tell Sal. He smiles, "thank you Seokjin." "You look exhausted Jinnie, you and Jungkook go off to bed, I will clean up the dinner dishes", Imo says. Jungkook takes my hand and leads me to the bedroom, "lets shower and then I will rub your back." "That sounds like a good plan to me", I say undressing and turning on the water. 



After washing each other we climb into bed, I have Jin lay on his side so that I can massage his lower back. Working my hands over his hips, he begins to moan, "you like that." "Very much", he breathes. He reaches back and grabs my cock, stroking it till its rock hard, "make love to me Kookah." I reach back into Jin's nightstand and grab his bottle of lube, coating my fingers, I slide my finger down his crack, and rub over the tight ring of muscle. "Ah yes love, give it to me, please", he begs. 

I slide my finger in and start to fuck him open, then I slide in another until he is crying for me to fuck him, he begs so beautifully, I lift his leg and enter from behind, sliding my arm under him, I wrap it around his chest and place my other hand gently on his belly, and I start to thrust into him. "God, Jungkook, you feel so food, I love you so much", he moans. "I love you more baby, so much more", I whisper against his skin making him shiver.

We made love all night, not being able to get enough of each other, but eventually we passed out and in the morning after Imo made us breakfast, we make the trip to Lake Bujon to find Charles Simpson.

My Paranormal Partner, short storiesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin