Meeting Everyone

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Lillian Green was beyond anxious right now.

The blonde haired, blue eyed girl sat in the far corner of a rickety plane, sketching away to her heart's content. She wasn't lying when she said that drawing was her passion. It always helped to calm her down.

Glancing up and past her huge canvas of paper, Lilly evaluated the foul smelling plane. She had been the last to board a while ago. Naturally, everyone had already separated into their own friend groups, or were just sitting on their own. No one had even noticed when she sat down in the rock-hard seat to embark on the plane ride with them.

Looking to her left, Lilly observed a sleeping ginger from Season 4, Scott. Watching him from home last year, Lilly was kind of glad that he was asleep. Even if he wasn't awake, a foul feeling surrounded him, almost in a foreshadowing way.

She giggled slightly, remembering how he had nearly become shark food last year on T.V. It was kind of funny, considering karma and all with the Fang situation. But it seemed that that small snippet of noise from her mouth had awoken the beast.

Lilly watched in surprise as the red-heads' eyes snapped open, reveally beady eyes that looked well rested. Instead of jumping up with fright at her sudden noise so close to his ear, Scott slowly turned his head to face the girl sitting next to him.

He took a good second to observe the new face, having never been aware of her arrival. She had icy, blue eyes and pale, yellow, hair that contrasted beautifully with her skin. From the looks of it, she definitely wasn't any sort of threat to him and the million. After all, she was wearing a long-sleeved, purple blouse with sweats. Not at all intimidating compared to Heather and Jo's outfits.

"Well hello there." Scott spoke in his nasally voice. "See something you like?" He asked, referring to her staring. At this, Lillian's face scrunched up in the slightest, before relaxing and donning a warm smile. She stuck a dainty hand out, offering a hand-shake.

"Hi, I'm Lillian, but you can call me Lilly." She said, voice as clear as a bubbling stream. Scott smirked before taking her small hand in his and shaking it.

"Scott. But I'm sure you knew that."

"Yeah! I watched Season 4. I have to admit, although you were pretty scandalous, it was kind of smart to come in with a well-devised strategy like that. Not that I approved." She finished quickly, seemingly embarrassed to compliment him on his behaviour last year. Scott just snickered. He didn't think anyone had ever used the word scandalous to describe him. Rude, evil, and smelly mabey, but never scandalous.

"Aw, really?" He said in a sickly sweet voice, batting his eyes down at her. "Thanks!"

She just responded with a smile, missing his tone completely. She took a minute to consider her next move. Should she continue the conversation? Wish him luck? Trying to think of what to say next, she didn't notice him looking down at her sketchbook.

"Watch'a drawing there, girly?" He asked. She glanced down before squeaking in surprise and slamming the cover closed.

"N-nothing! Yeah, n-nothing!" She laughed nervously, scratching that back of her neck.

"Ok.." Scott said, a bit of his evil nature peaking out at the promises of her mysterious sketchbook. What could be in there? Secrets, perhaps a bit of blackmail? This frail girl might not pose any threat to him now, but neither did Cameron last year and he had almost won.

"So, what brings you to this hell-hole? The money, fame?" He quizzed, wanting to know a bit about her. Lilly just smiled, happy to change the topic.

"Nope! I'm here to make friends. And hopefully to make some people laugh through national television!" She sang, repeating the words from her audition tape. Scott mentally eyerolled. Friends? Laughter? That was the last thing on his mind right now. His brain only held room for two things. The million, and gruel. (Oh how he loved his Mamas gruel...)

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