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Book Title:  Underground

Author:  Babezcanwrite 

Genre: Teen Fiction

Status: Completed / Paid Story


Ava, an innocent small-town girl, gets sucked into the world of underground fighting when she catches the eye of Shawn Michaels, the irresistibly hot reigning champion.


Ava McAdams isn't sure what to expect when she moves to Boston for college. Her sheltered upbringing leaves her exposed to a harsher world, and one complicated male in particular -- Shawn Michaels, the tattooed and intimidating underground fighter who is nothing like anyone she has ever met before. But is falling for him worth the risk of knowing she might lose him every time he enters the ring?

My Rating+Opinion:

Omg omg omg! I was so freaking lucky to read this book before it became a paid story. It was one of the best 'fighter' books I have ever read on Wattpad. The writing, the plot, EVERYTHING was detailed and absolutely perfect! I never wanted this book to end (luckily she has a second book! which was just as amazing omg!!! It's called Above All Else, by the way!) Both books were freaking awesome and I enjoyed reading both.

I think it's TOTALLY WORTH buying this book with your coins. DO IT! READ IT! THANK ME LATER LMFAO!

xoxo, Dilsa 

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