Two Gangs and a Golden Girl

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Book Title:  Two Gangs and a Golden Girl

Author:  HollyShmit

Genre:  Teen Fiction

Status: Completed / Free Story

Summary: "I didn't ask to be in the middle of your ego-battle," I grumble.

Blake pins me to my locker, hands resting on either side of my head. "Well, you got it in anyway, Darling," he whispers. 

His face is inches away from mine and damn me for licking my lips.I am NOT falling for these guys. 

And then, at the corner of my eye I spot Owen and his gang approaching.

Well, that's just great.***

The West and East gang of Tygerwell have been at each other's throats since the dawn of time. And the two leaders of these gangs want to end the fight, once and for all.But fighting with fists is easy. Fighting with wit and charm, is a whole other ball game.

Blake. West-side gang leader. Leather jacket and killer glare. Don't talk back.

Owen. East-side gang leader. Fancy coat and toxic stare. Don't resist.And in comes Amber. Hair of gold and oceans in her eyes. Has too much sass for her own good and always, ALWAYS, manages to get into the middle of trouble. 

But these boys have no idea who they're really dealing with. And when Amber discovers she knows a little too much when it comes to guns and fighting, she has to question everything she thought she knew about herself. Three can play this game.

***"Let's settle this. You got rejected, I got rejected. It's only fair that the fate of the gangs be on who gets the girl first."

"That sounds rather good, Rhodes. I'll take that bet on the golden girl."


One of my favorite series, hands down! This is such an amazing book, words cannot describe. I highly recommend reading this book as well as her two other AMAZING books: 

Three Gangs and a Silver Sin (COMPLETED)

One Gang and a Bronze Battle (ONGOING)

Also, this series is not meant for people who don't like change, to simply put. You will laugh. You will cry. You will scream. But in the BEST way possible. Be warned. 

Writer is just...chefs kiss. I love her writing so much. She's so creative and I love reading her stories. Her writing is so realistic, that's why I love it so much. I highly recommend her books.

- Dilsa

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