Chapter 8

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We wear the mask that grins and lies.

It shades our cheeks and hides our eyes.

This debt we pay to human guile

With torn and bleeding hearts . . .

We smile and mouth the myriad subtleties.

Why should the world think otherwise?

In counting all our tears and sighs.

Nay let them only see us while

We wear the mask.

The first years were getting led inside by Professor McGonagall. The hallways echoed littered footsteps as nervous 11-year-olds jittered silently. A few more steps later, the grand door leading to the Great Hall was thrown open. Everyone marveled at the floating light sticks splattered amongst the hall. The ceiling meant to mimic the night sky was a mesmerizing color, a mix of tantalizing blue and black. Stars twinkled, smiling down at all the students, shining bright like diamonds in the sky.

It was perfect.

Harry reminisced the first time he had seen this magical sculpture and the pure awe he had held. Back then, he had never in his whole life seen something as opulent as this. He was sure even Uncle Vernon would've been speech stricken as well.

It felt like coming home.

Four tables were lined up next to each other, with silver goblets reflecting rays of stars and china plates lined with gold. Children at each table had ties of different colors, signifying their house. As the large group walked up, students started applauding as a whole for the new class.

At the front was a stool with a floppy hat on top. As the collection of children approached the tattered piece of cloth, it started singing. The song was the same as in Harry's First Year at Hogwarts. Soon, the mouth had stopped flopping and the hat dropped upon the stool once again. Once again, clapping broke out for the magic hat, and many first years, caught by surprise had their mouths hanging open in awe. Sirius chuckled from beside him before whispering in his ear,

"I remember my first year, I was not like these youngsters, awed at the Hall, our family actually has a bigger Ballroom in the main house. No, I was dumbstruck by the sheer number of hot people in Hogwarts- still am. But back then, the only people I'd seen were my inbred ugly Black cousins"

"Hey! Your relatives aren't that bad. I would totally do Bellatrix if she wasn't insane.

"She isn't insane right now."

"No ones gonna wanna fuck me, I'm only 11 years old."

"Oh, I forgot about my premature body, how inconvenient." Sirius huffed. "But Bellatrix might. She may not be as insane as she was back then but she still lacks some common sense"

"I think I'll wait till I'm 14ish thank, you Sirius."

"We could always be friends with benefits if you want Hadrian." Sirius proceeds to give a flattering wink at Harry.

"You're my godfather."

"Hey, I saw you come out of your mother's womb"

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