A Journy

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Kali and Aric raced out of the house flames licking at their heels." Quick we need to get to the horses. runing around the house to the horses. the brown horse was kicking and squeling till the rope brock and she charged out of the stable aric tried to grab her. "Airc leave  her theres no till" Kali reshed to Nightmare The black horse untieing the ropes her sadle was already on. " Aric come here help me get up" Aric got up of nightmares back turned around to help kali up behind him. before chrageing out of the stables and far away from the house. stoping to look back. tears threatend kalis eyes this was the house she grow up in even if he life wasn't plesnt. the only part of her child hood left was the scathen necklace around her neck and her mothers staff. "where do we go now" she crocked huging Aric titly "we find japath". Aric often spock of japath his old friends he grow up with. 

2 weeks later 

Aric had found out the locashion of his belived friend. "his in camalot" "ok so we head there then its a 4 days ride north of Runyon mill" which they were currently on the out sckits of.

it had been 4 long hard days but they had finaly made it to camalot. "what now" kali asked "we ask for an ordense with the king". 6pm Aric and kali walked through the gates. "Rian is maskerading as king. his quite full of him self so let me do the talking". "doessnt he hate you it would be batter if i handle this" this started an agument. the doors opened infrnt of them at this point kali was furius. "stupid Aric " she muttered looking up at to boys with brown locks in the thrown room. Rian and Japath. 

Japath was moshonliss "aric?" but your dead. Rian looked like he was about to berst "get out"! he yeled at aric "get out of my kindom"  Gards he called gards charged in all the while japth was yelling at him. "gards charged at you and aric but before any of the boys moved.you flung you arms out all the gards stoped in there tracks unable to move the 3 boys all turned to you. blood red smock serled around your ankles before it faded away insded of the girl that stood their before no there was a 7 foot giant she demond.  2 long red horns crowned your head of blood red hair your cape was faned out around your ankles you massize wings lomed over every ones heads your eyes completly black your hands and forarms comvers in blood red scales fingers deadly points your feet were red dragon claws. demond tail swishing back and forth skin now had a red hue. you droped you hands the gards fell to their knees then onto the floor uncoshies. 

Japath had a smirk painted on his face "were did you find her"? Aric was just as shocked as Rian staring at you he knew you could take this form but he didn't now you could blood bend. you spock up head turning to you " I Found him" you responed reterning to you human form wings still on your back.

Rian started to reach for his sword. your head snaped in his derection shooting your hand out excalaber came flying into your hand " dont even think about it you grawled at Rian. 

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