The Good Deed

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Kali was looking around looking for anything useful. as she was looking she heard some wheezing she ran in the direction she thought it can from. As she jumped over the bush she sore who was wheezing it was dean aric will just aric now but how was he still alive! Kali thought of leaving him there to die after all if I help him he would most likely kill me after he was healed she went to walk off but after 5 minutes she turned around and ran back she couldn't just leave them in someone else found him they would kill him or turn him in and he would be locked in a cell the rest of his life. So she stood him up and draped his arm around her shoulder and walked to her house in the endless woods just outside of the blue forest the school training grounds. Kali's house was just a small cottage with only one bedroom. "hm he will have to sleep on the couch it will be too hard to drag him up the steps to the bedroom". so she put his face down on the couch and ran to the kitchen to get her medkit. " I think I have a needle and thread in here, are here it is" she ran back to the lounge room and gently pulled the bone out of his back. "Ow, that looks pain full". Aric all of a sudden let out a blood curtailing scream. "Oh, no are you alright!" of course I'm not alright you witch! But kali stayed calm she was used to her patients yelling in fact she yelled a lot her self especially and the woodland animals that tried to stell her crops."Aric, if you hold still this, won't hurt as much" How do you know my name and its dean Aric to you!" "I go to the school for good and evil well at least I used to but after the war, I ran away. Any way the wars over and the schoolmasters dead so it's not dean Aric any more" Wait I know you, your the one girl that alleyways finish my classes with easy even when I made then harder." "Wow it took you this long?" how dare you to talk to me like that!" oh shush, now hold still if you move it will be harder for me to sow this wound shut." "fine but as soon as you do I'm leaving"

There all done but I doubt you can get up let a lown walk you should stay here at least until your wound heals then you can go". Now you must be Hungary what would you like for dinner". "Don't care" Aric mumbled. "you know you could at least try and use manners." Aric flipped himself over eyes wide he stared at kali. "What, is something wrong?" "our name kali right" yes it is, I'm surprised you remember you never talked to me like the other teachers. didn't even say my name once." why should I have said your name?!" well for one I was the top of your class by far and I was the 1st rancid student in the hole school!" "your an ever there's no way you were first". I might have been in the good school for the first year but if the schools hadn't changed to girls and boys I would have been in the evil school that year in half never". That's impossible". " oh sh*t up" Kali stormed off into the kitchen not saying another word to Aric for the rest of the night.

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