The war

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Here's the next part enjoy!!

The war was finally here and Aric marched at the front of the army leading them to stymph forest for the final battle they would win this war and annihilate good.

Aric led the army with great confidence that they would win after all it was hundreds of evil's greatest villains against 15 people or so he thought.

The battle had just taken a huge turn the younger students the lady lessor had convinced the schoolmaster to keep them away from the battle had turned up and was fighting for the other side. And to make it worse they were wining, Aric was starting to doubt they would win. But out of the corner of his eye, he sore his mother he was lucky to have seen this far into the battle for his mother had thrown him in the brig of betrayers when she was rescuing her friend's dean day of the school for good and the beautification teacher for the girls at the school for good. If it was for tricking Sophie he never would have made it out. He wanted his revenge so he charged at his mother going in for the kill. He would have killed her sooner if it weren't for her stupid friend Dovey for stabbing him in the spin with a stymph bone. His body went limp Dovey pushed his lifeless body off her friend only to find that aric had sliced her throat with his rusty knife if she didn't die from suffocation she would shore die from tetanus. Dovey told Lady Lessor not to worry they would save her she hoped. Lessor saw the scared look in her friend's eyes and told her "I might die but I will always be with you," Lessor crocked. "Dovey ... mmy first name ... is L-Leonora. Lessor took her last breath and closed her eyes never to speak again. Dovey wept draping her body over her best friend as the war raged on around her.

Dovey looked up all her students had been caught and held at sword point they had lost. There was no hope. The schoolmaster swung the axe on Agatha's and Tedros's necks to kill them with one swing he turned to Sophie on your count my love as Sophie used Excalibur to kill her own father to erase a mistake her love made many years before. " 1, 2 --3 they swung their weapons down for the kill but Sophie caught Agatha's scared eyes and something changed inside her she swung Excalibur up catching the light of the dying sun and swung down shattering the ring keeping her love alive, blinding the schoolmaster making him miss Agatha and Tedros. In confusion, he spun to Sophie horrified and the shattered ring ling and her feet and her father's cheeks streaked with tears astonished he was still alive. Sophie looked up at Raffal as he started to decay and watched as he burst into ash, she turned to the army as their weapons clinked to the ground as they to burst into ash.

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