Dooku Captured

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Luna's POV

Obi-wan and I take off our space suits, "This should be fun." I mutter, brushing out my robes. 

Obi-wan smiles, "I'm sure Anakin will be very grateful when we 'rescue' him." he replies.

We quickly run down the silent hall, passing through rooms of clueless droids and finally reaching the prison hall.

I look around at all the doors, "I still don't see why Ahsoka couldn't have come." I complain.

"She has to stay on the cruiser to lead the attack in space," Replies my Master, pressing a blue button to one of the cells.

The doors slide open, revealing two prisoners sitting on the ground who both promptly get up, hoping to escape.

"Don't bother to get up." Says Obi-wan calmly, "You're not the prisoner we're looking for."

We try a different door, and I step inside, looking around. It looked empty. I feel a sudden shift in the force, and Anakin jumps down from the ceiling. Taken by surprise, Obi-wan and I simultaneously take out our lightsabers, pointing them at his throat.

"Oh," says Anakin, getting up as we put our lightsabers away, "it's you."

"This is how you thank us for rescuing you, pounce on us from the ceiling?" I smirk, "Not impressed."

"Kind of difficult without a...lightsaber. Thanks," says Anakin, taking his lightsaber from Obi-wan.

"Did you manage to locate Dooku before landing in jail?" Asks Obi-wan, walking to the entrance of the cell.

Anakin and I follow, "Well, I know he's on board. Might have been able to do something about it if I'd had my weapon." He complains as we exit the cell.

"It was important for you to arrive without it so your capture would be convincing." Replies Obi-wan easily.

"Oh, they were convinced, all right. But how come I'm the one getting caught all the time? It doesn't look good." Says Anakin, frowning.

Obi-wan sighs, "When you're a Jedi master, you can make the plan."

"That's just it! How can I become a Jedi Master if I'm always getting caught?" Anakin responds, annoyed.

I grin, "At least you're a getting caught."

Anakin rolls his eyes, "Very funny, Moon."

We walk down the halls, and Anakin uses the force to open a door. Inside sat Count Dooku who was meditating on a cushion, "Surprise, surprise." Says Anakin, stepping inside.

We all ignite out lightsabers, "If it isn't Count Dooku." Says Obi-wan, smiling.

Dooku keeps his eyes closed, "Obi-Wan Kenobi. I thought I sensed an unpleasant disturbance in the force. I see you've freed young Skywalker. Where might he be if you weren't always around to rescue him?" He says, face betraying no emotion.

"Sir, there's a Jedi cruiser attacking!" I hear a droid from somewhere else in the ship yell.

"Your ship is surrounded, Count. Republic troops are boarding as we speak." I growl, "Surrender."

"Jedi fools." He finally opens his eyes just as a latch underneath where he was sitting comes open down he slides down a tunnel.

"I should have seen that coming." Mutters Obi-wan.

I step forward, preparing to jump after him, "What are you doing!?"  He yells.

I glance back, "Following him."

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