forth sin: envy.

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daeva woods

chapter four: envy.


a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.

oh my gosh!



i love him.

well, i'd love to fuck him.

i know i'm bad but i'm not a home wrecker.

dammit, why couldn't she just waited until after i fucked him?!

"you gonna say anything, d?" carmela asks smugly.

"oh whatever, i'll just find somebody else to fuck. it's not like he's special or anything." i say while rolling my eyes.

"ah ah ah." she tuts. "i know you've fucked every other guy here and you don't fuck the same guys twice. my boyfriend, liam, is the last bachelor you have. unfortunately for you, he's unavailable. and he loves his girlfriend very much." she says while strutting away.

ugh! i hate when she's right!

i stomp into the kitchen and take another shot to calm myself down and it actually works.

i feel the sudden urge to pee so i head to the bathroom and open the door only to find two people fucking right on the bathroom sink.

well, guess i'll have to pee outside.

wait- that's liam and... carmela?!

no no no!

liam is pounding into her and all i hear are their moans but especially carmela's porn star sounding moans.

that's how you know it's good.

i'm so fucking jealous and i can't usually say that so easily because i always get what i want but i can't get liam and i'm just jealous.

fuck this shit.

i am about to close the door and leave but then i see carmela mouth the words "watch" to me.

she wants me to her fuck the guy i want to fuck so very badly? yeah no thanks, i'll pass.

i close the door and run out of the house and into my car.

i know i shouldn't drive because i drank but i don't care.

i drive straight to my comfort place.


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