sixth sin: wrath.

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(i don't speak spanish so i used google translate for the translations, if the translations are wrong i'm sorry. blame google translate lol.)

daeva woods

chapter six: wrath.


extreme anger (chiefly used for humorous or rhetorical effect)

UGH! i hate everything!


i knew i shouldn't have befriended her.

before we stopped talking to each other, we were best friends.

i told her everything.

and now that we're not friends anymore, she's using my old secrets against me.

she- she told everyone about my eating disorder.

i hate her but i wouldn't tell people something that personal!

would you?

she's the only person i told about it besides my family so i know it wasn't anyone else.

that fucking bitch!



i went to carmela's house to have a "chat" with her mom.

carmela's mother is very strict and if she found out she didn't something like this, she'd be mad. very mad.

and that's exactly what we want.

knock knock.

i wait for someone to answer the door.

"daeva?!" mrs. sanchez aka carmela's mom exclaims.

"hi, mrs sanchez. can we talk?" i say politely.

"oh honey, you know you can call me olivia and of course we can talk. i haven't seen you in so long." mrs sanchez- i mean olivia says while gesturing me inside.

"yes um that's kind of what i wanted to talk about. carmela and i have had a falling out and she recently did something to 'get revenge' towards me." i tell her while sitting on the couch.

"a falling out? oh no what happened and what did mela do?" olivia asks worried.

"um last year i developed an eating disorder and i only told carmela about it. now after our falling out, everyone knows. i asked around to see how everyone found out and they all said carmela told everyone to spread the word." i say angrily.

"WHAT?!" olivia screams angrily.

"yeah..." i trail off.


i smirk inwardly.

"yes, mamá?" carmela asks nervously.

"¿Por qué harías eso?" olivia shouts angrily. (why would you do that?)

anytime she get really angry, she starts speaking spanish and she can't go back to english until she's calm.

it's scary how quickly she changes emotions.

"do what, mamá?" carmela asks while looking at me weirdly.

"este es tu mejor amigo, ¿y te atreves a contarle a alguien algo tan privado? ¡no te crié para que actuaras así, carmela!" olivia shouts in disappointment. (this is your best friend, and you dare tell anyone about something so private? i did not raise you like that, carmela!)

i can't understand a single thing she's saying but the look on carmela's face tells me she knows that i told her mom what she did.

"mamá, i can explain. she called me a slut, so i had to repay her." carmela tries to defend herself.

"¿no hablamos de tomar el camino correcto sin importar qué? sé que lo que dijo puede haber herido tus sentimientos y estuvo muy mal de su parte decir eso, ¡pero no le dices a nadie nada sobre algo que no tiene nada que ver contigo! ¡especialmente algo tan privado!" olivia shakes her head to relieve some stress but it doesn't work. (didn't we talk about taking the high road no matter what? i know what she said may have hurt your feelings and it was very wrong of her to say that, but you do not tell anyone anything about something that has nothing to do with you! especially something so private!)

"i-" carmela starts.

"estoy muy decepcionada de ti, carmela. por favor, discúlpese ahora mismo, luego vaya a su habitación y espéreme. tendremos una charla sobre esto." olivia pushes carmela towards me. (i am very disappointed in you, carmela. please apologize right now then go to your room and wait for me. we will have a talk about this.)

"yes, mamá." carmela walks the rest of the way to me. "i'm sorry, daeva. i am mad at you for calling me that, but i shouldn't have told everyone about something that was so private to you. i understand if you can't trust me again but i miss being your friend."

"apology accepted and i apologize for calling you that out of nowhere, that was very rude of me. and it will take time to trust you again but i would like to be your friend. i miss you too." i tell her honestly.

"gracias, daeva." olivia says while smile. (thank you, daeva.)

"eres bienvenido." i reply. i only know slight spanish. (you're welcome.)

well this ended way differently than i thought it would.

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