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third person


ten years later...

pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. the seven deadly sins.

seven deadly things that daeva doesn't even come close to anymore. she's definitely had some character development.

she's now a 28 year old mom of four kids, a wife to a fantastic husband, and a professional chef.

also her name is no longer daeva woods, it's daeva price. she took her husband's last name once they got married.

you may remember her mentioning her husband's name in that last chapter. his name is graham price. and he's a rich doctor. he's got everything daeva wants in a man and he's the kindest soul ever. they got married when daeva was twenty and she got pregnant with twins that same year. five years later she got pregnant with another set of twins so now she has two eight year olds and two three year olds.

her eight year old's names are gabriel and gia. a boy and a girl. her three year old's names are diana and dalton. a girl and a boy.


pride: the only thing daeva takes pride in is her food, husband, and children. if she gets a compliment on any of the above, she'll be a happy camper. she loves to cook, the reason why will be explained later but cooking is her passion now. she loves to see the faces of the people who try her food and love it. her favorite people to cook for are her husband and kids, of course. she loves the way her kids' faces light up when they taste her delicious creations!

greed: yeah, no. daeva is far from greedy now. she actually works for her money nowadays and loves doing it. the only thing she wants more of is cuddles from her kids. she even donates food, money, and clothes to the homeless, poor, charities, and good will.

lust: this is probably one of the seven deadly sins that daeva still has. i can't even count how many times she's been caught staring lustfully at her husband. but he reciprocates the feelings too. i mean, how do you think the kids were made?

envy: so, daeva isn't very envious of anyone. she's pretty content with her life. i think she's envious of the fact that her husband gets to see her children more often.

gluttony: and this is how daeva got her passion. as explained in the previous gluttony chapter, she had an eating disorder. that reason alone was enough to want her to eat more and get back to a healthy weight. so she decided to make a bunch of random tasty concoctions and it took off from there. now that she's a chef, she choose not to call herself gluttonous because her job is to eat but i think that's just an excuse.

wrath: i wouldn't say daeva holds any wrath towards anyone. i don't even think the first time in the wrath chapter she held any wrath, she was just really hurt that carmela would do such a thing to her.

sloth: daeva 1000% is a sloth when she's not cooking or caring for her children. she loves to just stay in bed and cuddle with graham but he's a doctor with crazy shifts so he leaves a weird times. and that's why they got a dog, so daeva will have someone to cuddle with when her husband leaves.

all in all... daeva changed. all for the better. she's not rude to her parents anymore and she apologized years ago for her terrible behavior. she and carmela are still great friends and we're each other's maid/matron of honor.

daeva gets what it means to be... normal now. in a sense where you're not a spoiled bratty kid. she loves so many people so much and she's glad that she changed for the better. she's happy where her life went.

and she wouldn't change a thing.


and that's a wrap on my little short story!

i hope you enjoyed it!!


if you have any questions, ask away!


see ya in my other books!

bye babes!

-kay 🦖✨

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