Chapter 12- Out of Uniform

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Helloooo! Sorry it's been a minute since an update. I'm visiting family this week, and on top of that its my last week of school so I'm super busy. And then I'm going camping next weekend :0 [[I know, me in the outdoors? what???]] but I'm planning on posting another chapter this week to make up for that. So let's go!


I discovered over the next week that Astoria was what we referred to in the hospital as a PITA: a pain in the ass.

She used our emergency link whenever she pleased. Every time I was summoned, I would drop what I was doing and rush to the portkey, fearing that she was on the brink of death- only to arrive and discover that she just needed more Sleeping Draughts. Because Astoria had spent a lot of her life being chronically ill, she was used to people doting on her every whim.

Today was such a day that I was summoned at an inconvenient time. I just happened to be in the middle of grocery shopping, and arrived in the Chateau holding a loaf of bread and two packages of raw meat.

After checking that Astoria was all set with medicines that she needed and identifying that the quote "stabbing pain" in her back was just a loose feather from her pillow, Draco asked for my assistance with Scorpius.

I followed him to the nursery. It was a cloudy evening, and the room's drapes were partially drawn, casting the room in a dreamy blue light.

"What's the issue?" I asked him. I was extremely concerned; it was unusual for Draco to ask me about Scorpius.

Draco stood over the bassinet with crossed arms. "He keeps making strange noises."

Scorpius gurgled, which made Draco very alarmed. "That!" he exclaimed, looking at me for answers. "What does that mean?"

I laughed and picked up Scorpius. "Babies make lots of noise," I said. "It doesn't mean anything."

"I see," Draco said, still slightly perturbed. He watched as I swayed back and forth with Scorpius.

"You aren't in uniform today," he remarked.

I looked down at my knee-length skirt and long cream colored coat. "Oh. I did not have time to put on my Healer robes. Sorry."

"It's fine," he said gruffly. "But you are my employee, and should dress accordingly."

"Well, Astoria summoned me when I was at the market," I replied. I tried to hide my annoyance, but it was practically written on my face.

"...I apologize for her constant calls," Draco muttered. "I believe she's... bored."

I can't believe it, a woman with a newborn who says she's bored! I scoffed lightly, patting Scorpius's back. "Well, does Astoria have any hobbies?"

Draco thought for a moment. "I don't think so."

"Well, what of that painting in the north wing?" I inquired. "If Astoria enjoys art, perhaps she could begin an art collection. Merlin knows this house needs some decoration-"

Draco dismissed that idea immediately. "Astoria hates art."

I stopped swaying. If Astoria hated art, that would mean the painting I saw belonged to Draco. Under what circumstances would Draco obtain a piece of art?

A memory occurred to me, then, of when Gregory Goyle begged me to do his Muggle Art assignment. So I made a simple willow tree painting, and then passed it off to Draco to give to him-

"You took the painting I made?" I blurted out suddenly, which made Draco glare.

"Please don't yell next to my child."

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