Bonus 3 - Grudge; Part 1

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A/N: The new chapter has finally been written after so long. 😥 I apologize for the wait. This Bonus will revolve around Chuuya's bond with Atsushi and Kyouka, as well as Dazai and the problems with their damaged bond. There will be around three or four parts of it, so I hope you will like them. Enjoy this chapter and I wish you all a good day and thank you for your patience! See you!

Beside his subordinates, Chuuya watched the slow culmination of terror Atsushi has been going through. The boy was shrinking in fear but forcing himself to not break eye-contact with the Young Boss of the Port Mafia. As much as that man despised weaknesses, the thing he detested more was when lower-ranking men would look away from him.

Because that way, that person would show they are not truly afraid of him and are not in his full control. If they were, they would watch him with wide eyes, fearful of what could happen to them if they dare to look away. 

"And I ask you once again. Why couldn't you do that?" Dazai Osamu said in a voice equally calm and deadly, like a fine blade tracing across the skin, never cutting it, but able to do so with the littlest push.

Atsushi couldn't answer coherently. He had only stuttered beforehand or just stared at him with big eyes faintly pooled with tears on which Dazai kept frowning in condemnation.

Around an hour ago or more, a small group of men had attacked Atsushi's patrol. As expected from the Port Mafia, the retaliation had been instant, resulting in a few dead men from both sides. Once they had had the group cornered, it had been Atsushi's turn to take care of them. 

Transforming into the Tiger, he had managed to kill one or two, but his consciousness and fear had prevailed, despite his efforts to push them down, and he got back to human form. 

Fortuitously enough, Chuuya's squad was nearby and one man from Atsushi's squad had informed them about the fuss. They had arrived on scene at just the right time because the enemy had had a gun to Atsushi's head. 

And as it was finished, just before Chuuya could approach the boy, Dazai strolled in casually like he was invited by a specific schedule or his own clairvoyance. 

If Chuuya wasn't so loyal to him, he would think he had masterminded all of the above mentioned heretofore arriving minutely when Atsushi should have been taken care of. But that couldn't be possible. 


At first action, Dazai just watched Atsushi with overt disappointment. Then he started asking him what had gone wrong and why couldn't he do what he was trained for. Not in a caring, concerned voice. The voice he used was colder than a bone-crushing iciness creeping through the slightly opened window in the sharp winter, dangerous and dark. 

And Chuuya watched the scene harrowingly unfold in front of his eyes. Calmly and solemnly by the appearance. Something wild and cold twisting inside of him. 

One part of that nameless something, a sane one without a doubt, wanted him to turn around and leave. Just like he was supposed to. But the other part held him in place. Tightly and persistently. 

An interminable, distinct force pushed him neither forward nor backward. Holding him in one place it was and in which direction he would firstly take, in that direction he would be pushed to the end. 

He could feel it with every part of his body and soul, an unease in his guts and a slight tremor alarming him that what he was feeling was not something he's ever encountered so far. 

Almost like it was nothing mundane.

And it terrified him to the bone.

"I... didn't want... didn't want to kill them- they- they still are people- they are..." Atsushi managed to find his voice but he soon realized his mistake. It would have been better if he hadn't said anything at all.

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