Bonus 1 - Rencounter in the Forest of Death; Part 4 - Older brothers

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Dazai's left leg was killing him at this point. Despite the rest they had taken half an hour ago, it wasn't nearly enough for the pain to subside to the point of neglecting.

Beside the aching bone being the main cause of his torment, he's been staggering ever so casually, as if his legs had an intention to join the aggravation of his gait. Miraculously though, he never fell, but it didn't mean he wouldn't in the near future.

If only I still had that pole, he thought bitterly.

The moment the phone had exploded and smoke had raised, the man who had been securing Dazai and Chuuya had tried to attack them. Without thinking, Dazai had swung his pole with all his might at the man's hands, which had broken a few of his fingers, hitting a rifle and sending it flying out of reach. However, a nasty consequence for the pole had occurred then. It had broken it two.

While the man had been distracted, Chuuya had crushed him with his ability. Taking the smoke to their advantage, they had run to the cliff. Dazai had given Chuuya his black cravat and Chuuya hung it on the branch at a river-side. After that, they had gone in the bushes, obliterating their footprints with Chuuya's black jacket, which he'd previously taken off, and waited.

Ingenious plan it had been proven to be. Well synchronized and rapidly performed despite being made during its very implementation, no one uttering a word. Luckily it ended up well, even though Dazai was now decelerating their pace due to the loss of the pole.

However, a small mitigating circumstance was that Chuuya walked ahead. If he didn't, he'd surely demand to stop for the rest upon seeing Dazai's struggle which was out of question. They had to move forward to safety as fast as possible, just like they had initially set up.

In the end, three nights and four days had definitely filled all the seats for days spent in capture in their whole lives. There was no need to experience the same again.

Four days... a lone thought suddenly crossed Dazai's head. Has it really been that long?

Four days... such a short yet a long period of time. Listing everything that happened since they'd gotten captured, Dazai was actually perplexed how it seemed so far behind. Like those four days, mostly filled with inquietude and humiliation were nothing more but an ugly dream, albeit glimpses still danced before his empty, brown eyes.

Sense of inner dread never falling silent.

Why so much fear for they had left the enemies far behind though?

Maybe he was only tired and worn-out, making him anxious still? Maybe an inner turmoil pushed deep finally reached the surface when it was close to over, like a reminder it was not over yet?

Or maybe... he was still unsure in their escape and their own safety.

Essentially, a lot of things might occur. Someone, Sakio particularly, could elude the orders and split away from the group, making his way towards them at the moment. Or maybe everyone fathomed they had conned them and now they are heading in their direction. Maybe they are waiting for them right behind the bushes ahead. Maybe-

"How are you holding?" Chuuya suddenly asked, voice of his dispelling images before Dazai's eyes.

"... Good..." Dazai replied. "Your head?" he added a little bashfully.

"... I'm alright," Chuuya replied, a bit confused by Dazai's open question at that moment, but didn't show it.

Two of them remained silent for a while, neither in the mood to talk and to be truthful, not knowing what to say. During the time of silence however, Dazai had found an occupation.

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