Chapter 7 - Understanding

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Now I know why I've never found his suit funny before - I've never noticed it. I was so blind that I didn't discern things around me. I didn't trouble finding the littlest of joy or sanity in this world. I gave myself the only purpose and ignored the signs around me. The signs with label 'notice things are different, wake up from the slumber'. Blindness isn't either good or bad, it's bad in every meaning of it. You put the blindfold by yourself and see what you think or want to see. Gist alone is far deeper than superficially perception of environments, men and emotions.

News broke in the speed of light. News how Port Mafia Boss, Dazai Osamu, had jumped off of the HQ's highest building in attempt to throw his own life away, but without success because his right-hand man saved him.

After Mori Ougai had died and Dazai Osamu had taken over control, territory and political influence of Mafia spread its claws even further. He'd became even more widely notorious for his ferocity and cruelty and that's why he had many enemies. Fear which he filled the bones of almost all members would make them reluctant, fearful and some of them disloyal if circumstances happen to call for that in the future.

On the other hand, Nakahara Chuuya was loyal to Dazai Osamu. Loyal so much that some feared he'll kill any man without a second thought if Dazai wishes so. However, it wasn't the case.

Two guards could easily hear their conversation through the door. Thing important like Chuuya trying to talk some sense into their Boss couldn't be overheard wrong.

Another, this time a certain proof he wasn't a dog whose collar Boss was holding and letting go as he pleases was quite relieving.

"He'd make a great Boss."

Halls of Port Mafia and streets of Yokohama heard those words many times. Only a few people doubted it. Traits he had were a perfect basis for his soon-to-be-leader position he'd obtain sooner or later in their opinion. Death of the current Boss would be a great opportunity to get an empty throne for himself.

Everyone knew they were, and still are, Double Black, Yokohama's most vicious duo in history. Partnership in most cases led to friendship, but that bond could be easily damaged after happenings that took place that day and before, considering Chuuya's long-held grudge against Dazai's actions. That and the fact they had always yelled and argued and repeated how they hate eachother in the past, together with some confrontations that happened after he became the Boss, made current situation even more incomprehensible.

A solid explanation would be - there's something only Dazai and Chuuya know. Something no one else but them can touch or even understand.




Dazai was sitting by the window of his room. The room he owned was worth Mafia Boss - richly decorated and comfy. Large bed, similiar to one Mori had had, ebony, wooden desk and chair comfortably tucked under the board. A large wardrobe, chandelier with crystals instead of glass and heavy, bulky, dark-red drape, tied at each side of the window with silk rope. Expensive carpet covered the floor, brown, wooden-tiled one.

Dazai let out a tired sigh and rubbed left side of his face. He'd taken off his famous bandages and naturally, skin that didn't often come in contact with oxygen, started itching.

Another little to no sleep night, mostly filled with nightmares. They would drive him mad if it wasn't to his companion.

Insisting was subtle, yet needed measure right now. All this days, Chuuya kept a close eye on Dazai while securing and doing a job instead of him. Kouyou and Hirotsu were helping him and for that, he was endlessly thankful.

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