Chapter 7

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I raced through the woods, follwing the animal that had stolen my fathers book.

"Come here boy!" I called, when I began to run out of breath, as I gripped onto my knees to breath. I had lost the trail of water that was following me far back, and this Wild Jack Dog was sure to go further. I looked up, after severl breaths later, knowing I had lost it.

But there it sat, the book in its mouth. It had blue eyes, shinning like the sky. Its fur a mistake of several colors, making a darker gray then you would expect a mixture of a wolf and boy to be.

"Come here boy!" I put my hand on the ground, like I was offering a treat. Its head tilted, still with the book. "Bring the book here." I called. It stood up, taking few steps towards me, then took off running heading South.

Then it occured to me, Wild Jack Dogs don't head south. They never head East, or South, or West. But they'll always, always head North, they may wander from the path, to eat, or mate. But never on purpose.

I followed it some more, keeping a slow movement, and everytime it got to far ahead, it waited for me.

Then it stopped. And sat. It was waiting for me. When I had finally caught up with it, It was a clearing.

A large clearing with hills, and grass. And no trees. a complete field of hills.

"Why did you bring me here boy?" I asked.

He put the book down at my feet.

"This is the place." A voice said. I looked behind me, to see the flame kid, I knew as Fireboy come up behind me.

"Matt did you follow us?" I asked. I looked to the Jack Dog when saying us, but he had run off. I reached down, a plopped up my book, using my sleeve and wipping anything left by the Wild Jack Dog. Surprisingly nothing was there.

North. I guessed.

"Once I felt the burning feeling on my skin go away, I knew something had happened. I looked up to see my net burning the grass where you were once. I saw the water marks on the tree, and followed them until they were gone, then contiuned heading striaght, and thats how I got here." He explained, then turned back to the field. "How did you find it?" Matt asked. "I thought we were lost." He confessed.

"So you didn't know where we were going?" I questioned.

"The last time I had seen the Forest temple, was when I was young and just got used to being on my own." He told me. "And Emma, let me remind you, you had even less an idea." He had a point.,

"So the temple is in a field with nothing but hills?" I asked. "A temple thats been hidden for over 1,000 years, being in a field really isn't much of a secret." I pointed out.

""Its not in the field. Its in the forest. why do you think its called the Forest temple?" Matt asked. "this is just a resting point."

"Matt, I know you have this planned and all, but let me remind you, aybody flying over head can easily see you hair." As I said this, Matt pulled the hood over his head more, then pointed to mine. I groaned, and did the same. "So staying in a field might not be smart." I told him.

"I know where we're going." He started making his way through the field, with Emma following. At one point, he started running, to makeing the time go by much faster, but soon stopped on top of a hill.

"Hold this." He said to me, as I stood next to him. I took the bag of coins in my hands, and shook it. It only had a few coins, that would last only mintues for two being. he reached in the small bag, and took out two gold coins. "Don't give me anymore then two more after this." He said, pocketing the change. "Only two!" He called. I slipped the bag into my sweater pocket, as we started jogging towards the tall building that stood, with a windmill blowing slowly.

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