Chapter 4

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"May I leave now?" The boy asked. Taking steps away from me.

"Stop!" I cried, and he looked back at me. "Stop, please." I asked.

"What?" He asked.

"What do you mean what?" I cried, taking a step towards him. "With us together, we can save the world! We could over throw King Steel!" I felt like all this planning that my father had done, was finally coming into play. Plus, my mom could be saved.

"Ha!" He laughed. "Maybe next time a myth comes to life that involves complete opposite to combine their powers, and save all of man kind. Find me again, and then lets save the world." He promised. He headed past me, and walked along the lines of the dry grassy fields.

"You can't just drop our destiny and walk away!" I cried, holding onto the book. "Of coarse, we will save all of man kind. And saving those people, will change history forever." I pointed out. I always thought how the Fire element would meet me, he would have a plan ready. Travel, money, maps. There would be no doubt that they were ready for anything that came up. But was he even willing to point out where the Steel castle was?

"Try me!" He continued walking, and I continued to follow this shady person. "I'm sorry if you were expecting a person with a big plan, but my big plan is where I'm going when it rains." He told me.

"Stop!" I cried, taking larger steps to catch up with his head that lit up his path. I grabbed his arm, and he whipped around to meet my eyes. They were a bright red, that burned in mine as he seemed to growl. "Tell me 2 things!" I cried, and he crossed his arms to listen to the two things I had to ask. "First, Whats your name?" I asked.

"Matt." He growled, arms still crossed.

"Hi Matthew, I'm Emma." I told him.

"It's just Matt." He told me. Then said; "Emma. What's the last thing?"

"Where's King Steel's castle?" I asked. And he turned back around with a laugh. And pointed

"Keep heading East, till you hit a river, where you cross, then follow the up stream till you hit a mountain, with a stone castle in it." He laughed again. "What? Going to go beat up King Steel by yourself?" He asked, and I was silent.

"Your an idiot!" He cried, while laughing. "you think you can take down a man, that can control stone, which since your going to him, might be every place you take a step, and boom your captured, and the worlds a goner!" He cried.

"Why would you care?" I walked past him, with the book under my arms. I would read it when I could see, and travel at night. Probably sleep right before sunrise and eat-

"Wait!" He called. "If your the earths last hope, were all screwed. You have nothing, but a book, and your planning on beating the king in your pajamas." I looked down at my hello kitty pants, and the sweater I had fallen asleep in. "Leaving you alone would mean that you would die, and we'll have to wait about 15 more years or so, for another Water element to rise, and hopefully won't be as dumb as you." It was an insult, but she waited for him to continue.

"Does that mean what I think it means?" I asked, hoping it did.

"No. it doesn't." He kept his arms crossed. "But, I will get you to the Crystal Temple. Enter there, and you'll be able to grow more powerful from your journey." It took me a minute to show Matt that I didn't know what it was, but when he relived this, he hit his head on the tree next to him. "The Crystal Temple is a temple, said to be underground. Made for the elements. People have been looking for it for years. But, there's been no sign of it, or the other 3. To get to the Crystal Temple, you must beat the Ice Temple, before that, Light Temple, but first the Forest Temple." Matt pointed out. "I will take you through the 3 other temples, and bring you to the Crystal Temple. After that, finding the rest of the elements will be a snap, then the war between Water and Steel will begin." He spoke, how I remember my father would speak to me.

"So, your going to bring me?" I smiled.

"Yeah. But first-" He looked down at my pants. "You need new clothes." He walked past me, and walked on the boundaries of the dry fields.

"Why don't we just go through the fields?" I asked.

Matt turned to me, picked a long dry piece of grass, and as soon as it was in his hands, it lit on fire and it was gone.

"Why do you think you caught up with me when you chased me from your house?" He asked.

"Oh, I thought I was just fast." I offered.

"You know, you are kind of faster then a little girl trying to tie her shoe and run at the same time. But she would beat you when her pink high tops are tied." He laughed.

"Meanie." I smiled, as we kept walking. I looked at the flame on his head, and how it didn't attract anybody because of the smoke. How come the fire that dropped from his ankles didn't set the dry leaves on fire?

So many questions, so much akward time...


The fire in the shop blew out, and the store keeper behind the desk looked around for the 3 candles that had once lid up the shop.

The room was dark, and the man behind the desk, was confused at me and Matt as we had come in. As soon as the door had opened, Fireboy had blown the lights out, it was dark, leaving me, as a shadow who was as mysterious as a stranger to a small town.

"Hello, can I get some jeans, a black sweater, and some boots." I asked. Matt had made me say it for about 5 times to make sure I didn't mess it up.

"Sure, let me just get the lights back on." He moved to one of the candles, where the lighter was lit for half a second, before Matt blew it out again.

"I need it now. My family told me to hurry up and grab this stuff, we're on a very tight schedule." I told him.

"Fine." He reached under his desk, pulling out some pants, a black sweater, and boots. He didn't ask for a size, which made me think that he had only a few in stock.

"Maria." I looked over at Matt, who had something in his hands, that he threw and I caught.

"Hurry up, mom won't wait for long." He said, making me confused. But I gave the man the whole bag, and took what I had just bought.

"Thank you." I said, running to the door way. Matt shut the door, and when we were out of sight, he flickered the lights back on. right away I ditched the sweater I had on before, and replaced it with the new black one, and stepped my sock less feet into the new boots. "Maria?" I asked.

"Calling you Emma would be dumb, because if people start asking questions, then the name he heard wouldn't be your real one." He pointed out. "We just have to walk to the next town, then find the Forest Temple." Matt told me. I groaned, as we picked up our pace, and headed our way to the next town.

Now was the time for questions. "Matt. Why doesn't the ground set on fire when you walk?" I asked.

"Do you drip water when you walk?" He asked, still looking ahead at the dirt path.

"No." It seemed clear, that his fire could be controlled like my water. Made sense.

"Here." He picked up a stick, and used his sleeve to brush it off. In an instance, it lit on fire. "Same way you use water, I can use fire." He hissed the flames down with a glare, and had them rise higher. He gripped onto the stick, as we continued to walk forward.


Had to do some late fixings, all set though, next chapter will be up soon, I swear this was meant to be fixed at 3, and I swear I was sitting here on my tablet at 3. And I still have homework to do.


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