Chapter 1

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I'll tell you what, dying kinds of suck

Not as in "fuck he's banging my girlfriend" kind of suck, but in the "oh shit it hurts having 15 Parabellum rounds shooting through my guts" kind of suck

So what's the difference? Are there anyway you can differentiate between the two that would get you pissed either way?

Both sucks actually, but simply speaking you can have another girlfriend. On the other hand, you sure as hell can't have another life even if you want to

My breathing was as rough as a 10 year-old on LSD. I laid there, bleeding intensely from the wounds I received

"Damn it" I closed my eyes and berated myself for having let my guard down around these guys. They ain't no expert, but a lucky shot is still enough to kill you

Ironic isn't it? Doesn't matter who you are, death always come to you-- sometime in the most amusing of ways

Whether you're a politician, a saint, a hooker, the president of the fucking USA, or a simple piece of trash like me, our bodies are but organic shit bags designed to last for a long time, but not forever

That's the simple truth. Once you die, it's over, zero, nada, the fucking end for you

This is simply how the world is

My finger grew numb. I closed my eyes and sank into the abyss that awaits me


The darkness coiled around me, unceasingly, constantly, perpetually in its motion

It was unknown how I died, only that I got shot by somebody. Everything after that is a blur in the corner of my mind that had faded with the passage of time spent inside here

In death, I lost all conscious of time, space, and reality. In death, all earthly laws only applicable to the body and the mind was rendered null, leaving the soul with its sense of being the only vestige of my former self

Not being able to feel, nor sense anything, aside from that of its own existence,but just aware enough to comprehend basic thoughts

Terrifying, ain't it?

But don't worry, I'll narrate what happen next so you have a clue about what happened to me, whatever the fuck that is

So, you are chilling in the darkness. You just died, that's okay, you have to accept your death and moved on to limbo. You are now psychologically stable

Then god decided to send his gift to you as a final "fuck you" in the form of something unexpected

Imagine my absolute fucking shock when a bright light suddenly exploded forward like a grenade and envelop me

You are being rescued

Please do not resist

Its light is terrifying. The heat burns off everything on me, even when my flesh and mind are no more. I only knew to stay there and brave the blinding assault

This is nothing to the bullshittery I have to suffer in life. Being lit by fire? Yeah I've had a few burn and it ain't so bad

This? Oh my god, it's like your first time having sex when all all you've known until this point is jacking yourself off to porn-- the intensity is more than anything I could handle

The flame consumed my soul. I don't know what happened next, only that I ended up blacking out in the end

System reboot completed

Welcome [Player], to your second chance!

I swear everything in this world hates me


When the feeling of having my ass burnt has subsided enough to regain cognitive awareness of my surrounding, I realized I am no longer in that void

And that I also regain the feelings on my limbs. My sense of touch, my sense of hearing, smelling, and, most importantly, my vision

The last one is enough for me to redetermine that I must either be on drugs, or that some waggo wizards have just kidnapped me through time and space for his own entertainment. Evidently, the last one is just pure flying BS

"Where the fuck is this place?"

I gazed at the unfamiliar room in front of me

At that point in time, I have no idea of the trouble that is to come, nor the imminent danger that will befall me

For this, is the life of Shinji Matou in another world I am experiencing

Author's Note: I did this out of inspiration for a fellow Shinji reincarnation fic named "Wrong Incarnation". One that is actually well written but apparently only had 2 chapters at the moment

Long story short: I asked the author to make another one like this. He didn't fucking respond, so anyway I just started writing

And, uh, if you have any criticism regarding this, just return here and comment it for me. I'll do my best to correct them , or at least notify you of my reasons for doing so if it proves too vital for the plot

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